Saturday, September 8, 2012


Summer is over.  School has started.  And although the weather in Michigan is unpredictable, it's best to be prepared in spring and fall when watching Tiger baseball.  Here are some Tigress musts when traveling to Comerica in September and October for a game:

Tigers sweatshirt- If you don't already have a Tigers sweatshirt, then what are you doing?  Go buy one now!  You are missing out.  Sweatshirts are the best the first 3 wears.  They are so fuzzy and warm on the inside.  The first wash is always such a disappointment.  Part of me doesn't even want to post a picture of a Tigers sweatshirt, because...come on!  Here's one anyway.  I'm getting too nice in my old age.

A winter hat- Personally, I have several.  I've worn them in March, June, and October to Tiger games.  Like I said, you never know when it could be a chilly night at the ball park.
Scarf- As mentioned before (remember, there have been 100 posts so the things I've talked about have been extensive), the scarf doubles as a rally babushka.  They have some for sale in the Tigers store, but mine is home made by Sister Tigress.
Poncho- There's nothing I hate more than being cold, except maybe being wet AND cold.  The Tigers poncho is a must!  I got mine at Meijer for 6 dollars.  I'd buy just about anything for 6 dollars.

Boots- You have to keep your feet warm somehow.  Long socks, boots, slippers, whatever it is, cold feet can ruin a game.  Now, I don't own these, but Christmas is just around the corner friends!
Blanket- Finally, the fall/spring/winter item that is most crucial is the blanket.  Nothing is warmer than having a blanket wrapped around your already bundled body.  I bought a blanket with sleeves (you know, a snuggie) for Aunt Tigress similar to the one below.
There are also many choices in the team store.  HOWEVER, nothing beats my "vintage" Tigers blanket.  Aunt Tigress gave it to me one year.  She had used and love it for years.  Best gift...ever.  I remember bringing that blanket to parks in the summer and sprawling out to listen to an outdoor band or to watch fireworks as a kid.  Whenever I bust my blanket out now, there are usually several admirers.  No friends, it wasn't made in this decade.  The tag is gone, but my best bet is that this is a relic from the 80s.
There was one Polish American night in May 2011 when I brought the blanket in to the ballpark.  The dude that was sitting next to me started making fun of me for bringing a blanket in May.  Well, it wasn't ten minutes into the game when the same gentleman was telling me what a good decision I made.  When in doubt, bring the blanket folks!

1 comment:

  1. The unpredictable weather allows us to have EVERYTHING Tigers, not just
