Thursday, September 13, 2012

Counting our chickens

The season is winding down and only one thing is for certain...NOTHING IS FOR CERTAIN!  (see how I did that there?)  The best chance for the Tigers to make the playoffs is for them to take the Central Division.  Period.  Tonight's game should be epic.  Verdiggity versus Sale part two, this one for a chance to tie for the lead.

Ridiculous stats have been thrown around the past week.  How many different lineups Smokes has used, how many games the Tigers have won when AJacks scores a run, BBoesch's average versus any given pitcher.  I don't care about stats, I care about wins.

So this is what baffles me.  Today, tickets for a "potential" wild card game and a "potential" Division series go on sale today at 10 AM.  There is NO certainty that the Tigers will make it to any post season game.  Can't we just wait?  I can be patient.  In fact, I've been patient for five months already.  What's a few more weeks?  Paws looks ready to wait, I bet we can too.

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