Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fall fever

It's inevitable, with the change of seasons comes illness.  I've wiped runny noses, been coughed on, and seen the remnants of vomit this week.  Lovely, right?  There is one illness that I'm dying to catch though (I'd even drink out of the same glass as an infected person to get it), and that's "fall fever!"  It's the mysterious illness that makes normal, active folk virtual couch potatoes for entire weekends. 

The fact is, I've caught it.  I've watched Central upset Iowa, Wisconsin beat UTEP, Tigers CRUSH the Twinkies, and am in the process of watching MSU and Oregon State finish off their opponents.  And the evening games haven't even started!!!  There's still the epic Michigan versus Notre Dame rivalry, Clemson versus Florida State, and LSU and Auburn.  It's been a very busy day.  I don't mean that I've been busy, but that sports teams have been busy today.  I'm only happy to oblige them with my laziness.
Besties.  Side note: How big are JV's teeth?

Part of "fall fever" involves sitting alone in a room, yet having enough excitement about a game to equal the buzz created when watching a game live.  I actually clapped with Tigerberry-like glee when Cabby hit his 42nd homer.  Be still my Tigress heart!  I'm with Verdiggity, keep the MVP in the D.

Tomorrow will be another busy day (and by now you know what "busy" means).  The Lions and Tigers both play at one, so the multiple TVs are a necessity tomorrow.  Also nothing better than a Tiger double header.  Let's play two tomorrow, boys.

1 comment:

  1. AND the White Sox lost last night!!! 1/2 game can be morphed into a one game lead before the end of the day!!!
