Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Dougie film canister

During today's extended rain delay, I caught the current episode of Tiger's Weekly.  I usually don't watch the show, not because I don't care about the Tigers.  I think it's pretty apparent that I can a whole lot.  I love baseball, Tiger baseball.  However, I could give rat's snot what Trevor Thompson or Shannon Hogan could cook up for a story about the Tigers to span an entire half hour.  Oh, Donnie Kelly's wife is volunteering for the Salvation Army.  Super.  I'm not saying it's not great, I just have no interest in hearing about it.  In fact, all of the features on this edition of THE Weekly were about volunteering or giving back...except Mickey York's special time with Dougie Fresh.

Dougie has an interest in photography and has taken it up as a hobby.  After two minutes of vague questions, Mickey York got a personal photo session with the Fresh Maker.  Cue the awkward poses and comments.  First, Mickey asked if he could pose nude.  Really?  The qualifications for his job must be pretty minimal.  Then, Mickey spent a good five minutes doing clumsy poses and trying to strip off more of his clothes.  As a pseudo-expert on the art of giving face, Mickey was way off his game.  He didn't even nail the difference between "wonder" and "pensive."  It's in the eyes, Mick.

Here, I'll let Dougie demonstrate:
Study up, Mick.  This will be on the final exam.

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