Saturday, May 4, 2013


Avila's home run is being celebrated today as the heroic measure the Tigers needed to win the game last night in ninth inning glory.  While his hit did score the winning run, I find it hard to forget the man who walked before him to stand on first while Avila hit the homer.  The man who scored the tying run.  Mr. Donnie Kelly.  

Donnie is like when a coworker heats up last night's fish in the microwave.  The smell just kind of lingers around and is hard to get rid of.  At first, you notice it and it kind of bothers you.  Then after a while, you are so used to living in the stench that you just kind of accept it.  That's what Donnie Kelly is.  Never two consecutive stellar days or plays, but he always seems to do something when it matters.  It's indescribable.  There's been lots of argument lately about whether Donnie Kelly is good or bad, the devil or the savior.  The truth is, the play of Donnie shouldn't make or break our season.  He's a tenth man, or more realistically, the eleventh or twelfth man.  Sure he has some moments of greatness, but compared to Cabrera, Fielder, Hunter, and VMart, he's just another cog in the system.  That said, I like Donnie Kelly.  There, I've said it.  He's a guilty pleasure!  Love him or hate him, he's here for now after clawing his way back on to the team.  I give him props.
He's as surprised as anyone about the Tigress love!

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