Sunday, May 26, 2013

Most annoying fan

There have been several other bloggers who have written about the annoying fans that always end up surrounding you at Tiger games.  These are usually men who think a woman in a pink jersey is annoying.  It's fashion, and as long as she's paying attention to the game, there's no problem wearing pink.  From a woman's perspective, I bring you the most annoying fan of all: The past or present Frat Boy.  Mr. Tiger notes that this also includes those that pledged a frat but never got in...those may be the worst of all.  Here are some things a frat boy may do at a game:

  • Yell at players on the field.  It's harassment and we in the school system work tirelessly to prevent bullying only to have all our lessons washed away.  They also never yell anything intelligent.  Usually it's "Drop it!"  Really?  These people are paid millions of dollars to catch a ball, I doubt you yelling "Drop it" will somehow manifest itself on the field.  The bozos behind us yesterday kept yelling "Bacon" every time someone went to catch a fly ball.  Yes, "Bacon."  
  • Say the same three phrases over and over again such as "Respect the neck".  We get it, you noticed Dirty Dirks has a big neck.  You aren't the only one to notice, doofus.
  • Yell "Hustle, Hustle" at the bat boy.  Yes, the kid is probably 16 years old and has a way better job than you, no need to be jealous.  Don't take your job frustrations out on someone who still lives at home.
  • Make comments like, "This isn't the fun section.  We are the only ones yelling."  Here's a tip, if you are ever at a game and think, "Wow, there are very few annoying people around", then sorry, you are the annoying group.  I've been there before.  And true, you may really enjoy the game, but no one else around you is.
  • And last and certainly least, the most offending thing someone can do at a Tiger game, is talk about how funny they are.  If you say, "I batting 33% today on being funny" (so many things wrong with this statement), then you aren't really funny.  You just have drunk people around you who are laughing at random times.  Things also not to say, "I'm the funny guy today", "This has never happened to me before (not the same context he's said that before, am I right?  am I right?), or "I'm not even drunk and I'm having fun."

Here's the thing though,  these guys never would have continued any of this had others not been laughing at them.  Michigan wants to cure "Bucklephobia", I think we should be focusing our efforts to cure "Proper-game-etiquette phobia."  Let it be known that I had a two year old next to me that was crying and yet he was far less annoying than two fully grown men who are supposed to be in control of their emotions.  I really feel bad for their significant others though.  In fact, one was getting married in 13 days (he said it several times).  Here's a little pre-wedding advice lady, run.  Run away.  You may end up being the embarrassed lady sitting next to a loud mouth frat boy at a sporting event in the near future.

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