Sunday, May 5, 2013

Don't speak of

I know I've written of this before but I can't seem to find the post (if memory serves it was about Sanchez last year, if you find it, please post the link below!).  The number one rule of the No Hitter club is that you don't talk about the No Hitter.  You just don't.  Now, the boys in the broadcasting booth did a good job avoiding the subject like the plague, but it's equally important for people in viewing land and in social media world to abide by the same rules (just like the Dude abides).  Here's what the Detroit Tigers posted on Facebook leading up to the 7th inning.
They also wrote "So this is happening right now."  Not any more dudes!  Verdiggity was looking tasty though and with Cabby's ridiculous somersault, no look toss to Princey Pie, it had all the makings of the defensive plays always involved in a no hitter.  From this point on, Tigress faithful, please don't speak of the no hitter while it's in progress.  In fact "don't speak of" is code for "I know what's going on and you know what's going on and it's really exciting, but let's not ruin this."

Smokes claims that JV's pitch count was too high and he wouldn't have left JV in anyway.  I'm calling BS on that one right now.  1.  When Verdiggity's in the zone, no one approaches him.  That includes Smokes.  In fact, sometimes you can see Smokes walking towards him, and you can clearly just see JV shake his head.  Pretty sure if Smokes wanted to take JV out of a no hitter situation, he'd have to drug his Gatorade and have Lamont help him drag JV into the locker room.  2.  Pitch count or no, you can't break up a no hitter!  Not during a regular inning game where the Tigers are winning by such a wide margin.  You just don't.  I rest my case.

Let it also be known that AJacks' stellar catch to end the game is not being overlooked.  He commands that outfield and it's just an embarrassment for other teams really.  The only down point of this game was Darin Downs.  He was all over the place and never looked in control to me.  Let's hope Coke and Dotel get better soon so we can send that guy back down to Toledo.

Shout out to Dirty Dirks.  He looked solid, no, rock steady today.  Hitting from the number 2 position also really agreed with him.  Don't get me wrong, it's Hunter's spot, but Dirty is a good back up.  Dirty was 4 for 4 and raised his batting average by 40 points in one game.  That's a good way to jump start your season.

All the Tigers were sick this series actually (especially Avila who supposedly ate something today and couldn't play.  Good thing Pena brought his big boy pants).  If this is what the season is going to be like, then I might as well start saving my personal days for October.

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