Thursday, April 18, 2013


Everyone likes cake
Recently, I got married.  That's right, I'm not Miss Detroit Tigress.  Represent.  If you are curious, it was a wonderful day and a wonderful honeymoon spent in Iceland.  He's the ying to my yang.  When I get all crazy about how the Tigers never score for JV, he's calm.  When he starts to yell when Miggy hits a homer, I tell him to simmer.  That's what a couple is, people.

We had a close friend marry us, and during the ceremony he made an awesome Tigers reference.  How could he not?  If you marry the Tigress, you must have some reference to the Tigers.  What he said was, Mr. and Mrs. Tigress resemble another well known Tiger duo.  Rod and Mario.  For your reference, I'm Mario in this analogy.  I'm the sensible one that calms people down and is more rational.  Mr. Tigress is Rod, the crazy one who needs to be reined in every once in a while.  That's why Rario works and that's why Mr. and Mrs. Tigress work.

For the record, I called the road trip as 6 out of 9.  So far, they've one 4 out of 6.  We should be set if we can take two off the Angels.  Especially considering the sweet, 14 inning, 20 strikeout win the boys had last night.

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