Sunday, April 14, 2013

Numbers and Vowels

Today marks the first day I'm sitting down to enjoy a full Tiger game. I know, I'm behind in the world. Here are some wonderings:

I noticed that Torii Hunter was wearing a familiar looking number as he strutted around the bases. Further investigation proves that he is wearing 48, Ricky P's old number. Hunter offered to buy the number from Ricky but instead Ricky had Hunter donate to the victims of hurricane Sandy. Be still your beating hearts ladies.

Hold on, there are two guys on the team named Brayan? You mean two sets of adults did that to their children? Banana sandwich.  What's with the extra vowels in there?  I'm convinced his name is not pronounced Brian, but Bray-an.  That shall be your name, sirs.

But the person who takes the Oscar for most ridiculous amount of vowels is Matt Tuiasosopo.  Obviously, this name sounds familiar, not only because it's so fun to say, but because his cousin, Ronaiah, is possibly the most famous "catfisher".  Now, that's one crazy family.  If your opening line of introducing yourself is, yes, I'm related to THAT Tuiasosopo, then things aren't looking good in the lady department.  I gotta think that it works against him with the ladies, because really, who wants that jerk in your extended family.  Maybe Sosopo should hang out with Ricky P and come up with some sweet pick up lines.  I suggest that they both lead with something about donating to charity in exchange for jersey numbers.

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