Sunday, April 7, 2013

One week in

Tigress true,

I'm sure you've been wondering where I've been and what I've been up to.  I mean, the season started with no fanfare from the Tigress and I know you were all feeling a small hole in your lives.  Fear not, I'm back and ready for spring and Tiger baseball.  One week in, and the Tigers are sitting at .500 at 3-3.  The team is still getting their rhythm and the Tigs managed to take 2 from the Yankees.  I'm confident that the team will grow as the spring goes on.  I only got to listen to the game briefly today, so I'll have to give it the week to see for myself how the Tigers are doing.

A word of advice to all my readers without a Tiger, you are allowed to wait a few weeks to pick one.  Don't be too hasty in your decision.  It's a big deal, folks.  Squeeze a couple of those cantaloupes before you pick the right one.

Blue Jays are next and I think the Tigers will take two from them.  Tomorrow is Michigan versus Louisville for NCAA.  With basketball finally done, we will all be able to concentrate fully on baseball.  Unlike most of America according to a poll that a devoted Tigress reader sent me.

Don't be Indiana people.

1 comment:

  1. Every time I pick a Tiger they wind up in New York...and currently there's no contest for who I would select if I wasn't scared of jinxing him...
