Wednesday, April 17, 2013


If any of you Tiger faithful are curious about where dear old In-gee has gone, look no further than Smokes' former team...the Pirates.  He's currently in Triple A Indianapolis.  Faithful Toledo fans have already seen In-gee around.  In fact, Indianapolis just happened to play the Toledo Mud Hens yesterday.  An overzealous fan (or maybe just a fan trying to get retribution for all the years he wasted supporting In-gee with little to no pay out) was heckling In-gee and then started throwing peanuts at him.

Now, In-gee is no longer My Tiger, but he was a member of the team for years and had some ups thrown in with his downs.  There are few people I would deem worthy of getting a face full of nuts...peanuts that is.  In fact, sports are supposed to be an outlet for people to enjoy themselves and get a small release from their daily lives.  They are meant to unite people from the same geographic region.  They are not meant for pelting people in the face with food.  This guy is probably the same person swearing at the referee at his five year old's soccer game.  Calm down, dude.  You are ruining this for everyone.

Love that Dougie Fresh got the W last night at his old stomping ground.  One thing is for sure, showing up your former team is always acceptable.

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