Thursday, April 11, 2013


If you recall (or scroll down), I predicted that the Tigers would take two from the Blue Jays.  With today's blow out, my prediction was correct!  Stop the presses because it won't happen again probably.  Miggy got his first triple since 2010 and stole a base!  It's the end of times people.  Or, it's a sign of a great season to come?  You decide.

In completely unrelated news, Kate Upton and Justin Verlander are no longer dating!  I guess this happened two months ago, but it slipped right under my radar.  I have to say this is the best thing to happen to the season so far.  What we need is JV focused, not running around with some model who thinks a swimsuit is some underwear and a unzipped winter jacket.  Or tiny scraps of fabric held together by string.  For real.

Tigers are on a west coast road trip, which means two things.  1. The games at 3 are easily watched after work.  2. The games at 10 are so far beyond my bed time that I have a better chance of dreaming of a Tiger victory than actually watching the games.  I say the Tigers take 6 out of the 9 road games in the series (let's see if I can keep the streak alive).

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