Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Dougie film canister

During today's extended rain delay, I caught the current episode of Tiger's Weekly.  I usually don't watch the show, not because I don't care about the Tigers.  I think it's pretty apparent that I can a whole lot.  I love baseball, Tiger baseball.  However, I could give rat's snot what Trevor Thompson or Shannon Hogan could cook up for a story about the Tigers to span an entire half hour.  Oh, Donnie Kelly's wife is volunteering for the Salvation Army.  Super.  I'm not saying it's not great, I just have no interest in hearing about it.  In fact, all of the features on this edition of THE Weekly were about volunteering or giving back...except Mickey York's special time with Dougie Fresh.

Dougie has an interest in photography and has taken it up as a hobby.  After two minutes of vague questions, Mickey York got a personal photo session with the Fresh Maker.  Cue the awkward poses and comments.  First, Mickey asked if he could pose nude.  Really?  The qualifications for his job must be pretty minimal.  Then, Mickey spent a good five minutes doing clumsy poses and trying to strip off more of his clothes.  As a pseudo-expert on the art of giving face, Mickey was way off his game.  He didn't even nail the difference between "wonder" and "pensive."  It's in the eyes, Mick.

Here, I'll let Dougie demonstrate:
Study up, Mick.  This will be on the final exam.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Most annoying fan

There have been several other bloggers who have written about the annoying fans that always end up surrounding you at Tiger games.  These are usually men who think a woman in a pink jersey is annoying.  It's fashion, and as long as she's paying attention to the game, there's no problem wearing pink.  From a woman's perspective, I bring you the most annoying fan of all: The past or present Frat Boy.  Mr. Tiger notes that this also includes those that pledged a frat but never got in...those may be the worst of all.  Here are some things a frat boy may do at a game:

  • Yell at players on the field.  It's harassment and we in the school system work tirelessly to prevent bullying only to have all our lessons washed away.  They also never yell anything intelligent.  Usually it's "Drop it!"  Really?  These people are paid millions of dollars to catch a ball, I doubt you yelling "Drop it" will somehow manifest itself on the field.  The bozos behind us yesterday kept yelling "Bacon" every time someone went to catch a fly ball.  Yes, "Bacon."  
  • Say the same three phrases over and over again such as "Respect the neck".  We get it, you noticed Dirty Dirks has a big neck.  You aren't the only one to notice, doofus.
  • Yell "Hustle, Hustle" at the bat boy.  Yes, the kid is probably 16 years old and has a way better job than you, no need to be jealous.  Don't take your job frustrations out on someone who still lives at home.
  • Make comments like, "This isn't the fun section.  We are the only ones yelling."  Here's a tip, if you are ever at a game and think, "Wow, there are very few annoying people around", then sorry, you are the annoying group.  I've been there before.  And true, you may really enjoy the game, but no one else around you is.
  • And last and certainly least, the most offending thing someone can do at a Tiger game, is talk about how funny they are.  If you say, "I batting 33% today on being funny" (so many things wrong with this statement), then you aren't really funny.  You just have drunk people around you who are laughing at random times.  Things also not to say, "I'm the funny guy today", "This has never happened to me before (not the same context he's said that before, am I right?  am I right?), or "I'm not even drunk and I'm having fun."

Here's the thing though,  these guys never would have continued any of this had others not been laughing at them.  Michigan wants to cure "Bucklephobia", I think we should be focusing our efforts to cure "Proper-game-etiquette phobia."  Let it be known that I had a two year old next to me that was crying and yet he was far less annoying than two fully grown men who are supposed to be in control of their emotions.  I really feel bad for their significant others though.  In fact, one was getting married in 13 days (he said it several times).  Here's a little pre-wedding advice lady, run.  Run away.  You may end up being the embarrassed lady sitting next to a loud mouth frat boy at a sporting event in the near future.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

So close

If I had a baseball bucket list of things to see in person, it would read something like this:
World series game (check)
All star game (check)
Some one hit for the cycle
No hitter
Perfect game
Three home run game (check, thanks cabby)

I'm still quite youthful so I've done pretty well so far. Last night, I was so close to seeing a no hitter. So close it hurts. I feel for you Sanchez. To go eight innings and then give up a hit to Joey Mauer must be like losing the prom queen title to the head cheerleader and your arch nemesis.

Being at the game with the Tigress family last night was a Polish person's dream. We reminisced about when brother tiger puked up nachos at Busch stadium and aunt tigress shoved his head in a trash can. Or when aunt tigress and brother tiger almost saw a no hitter in Philadelphia and brother was rooting for the cubs. He ruined it for aunt.

Some other notes from the game:
Donnie Kelly went yard
Jimmy John's is an official sponsor of the tigers. Brother is available to throw the first pitch at a game.
Brother can get a whole new wardrobe at salvo for twenty dollars. He only needs five for some good finds.
Brother now has long hair and a beard. Although he looks like the son of God, he's known for curing leopards, not lepers.
Twenty four is the age someone becomes officially mature.

Dougie is up today. Time to get fresh.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Name game

A few weeks ago, I was having a discussion with friends about the best names for a child in hopes that he would grow up to be a professional baseball player.  You can even break them down by position, desired offensive tool, or favorite player of yore.  Here are some of my favorites:
Squats (he would be a catcher, obviously...)

Not every parent has the base-balls to name their child a name meant for a ball player.  Instead, nicknames pop up over time.  Here's a compilation of my favorite names in baseball, some real, some nicknames, but all frequently used.  It's interesting how some of these stuck.  It doesn't happen as much now a days.

Rollie Fingers (Roland Glen Fingers)- The man, the legend, the mustache.  I'm sure Rollie had the same problem Dougie Fresh has with his last name growing up.
Goose Gossage (Richard Michael Gossage)- He shares a nickname with the best wing man ever...  Get it?  Top Gun?  Anyone?

Whitey Ford (Edward Charles Ford)- Of course he got his nickname because of his light colored hair.  Of course.

Yogi Berra (Lawrence Peter Berra)- He got his nickname from his resemblance to a Hindu yogi when waiting to bat.  Strange...

The Bird Fidrych (Mark Steven Fidrych)- He's eccentric before Brian Wilson was even born.

Stan the Man Musial (Stanley Frank Musial or Stanislaw Franciszek Musial)  It's pretty sweet when your nickname is "the man".  He's not 'a' man, but "the" man.

Connie Mack (Cornelius McGillicuddy, Sr.)- Sister, the answer to the question is Cornelius.

And of course, Babe Ruth (George Herman Ruth)- No, his name isn't baby.

My greatest wish for a future Baby Tiger or Tigress is to acquire a ridiculous nickname that makes people question what his or her real name is.  It's a simple wish, but it will have to do.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Know your role

Just like a mismanaged corporation, a baseball team has different levels of organization and management.  We all know the general manager rules supreme with all the front office lackeys and even over the manager himself in most cases (can't account for the maverick manager who just does what he wants).  But the real hierarchy begins on the field.  Every position and player has a role to play on the field.  Let's start with the two most obvious roles:

Shortstop: Captain of the Infield.  It's the shortstop's job to position his infielders and even call a break in the action if necessary to calm down his pitcher.  As a rule, if the shortstop calls for a fly ball, everyone else should back off.  Since the position demands athleticism, these players are often attractive and considered the playboys of the team (ie, Derek Jeter, Alex Rodriguez, Nomar Garciaparra).  Oddly enough, many shortstops end up transitioning to other positions (think Cal Ripkin) presumably because of the demanding physical and mental nature of the position.

Center Field: Captain of the Outfield: Again, he has the authority to call off other players for fly balls and requires more speed than a typical outfielder since he covers more ground (ie, Willie Mays, Ken Griffey Jr., Mike Trout).  Let's just say that you never would have started Magglio in center.  In a strange twist of fate, Donnie Kelly captains the outfield tonight and Ramon Santiago captains the infield.  Smokes can have an bizarre since of humor.

Catcher: Game master.  A real catcher calls the game with little assistance from a manager or coach.  He has the perfect view of the field and can anticipate what pitch will work in what situation (ie, Pudge (both of them), Yogi Berra).  Avila has also taken on the role of team masochist.  Rario made a comment that at least once a night he gets hit in the face with a ball and his mask comes off.  That's a good night.  At least his face has a mask on it.  He's been hit everywhere on his body, some needing more recouping time than others (winky face).

First baseman: Welcoming committee.  From here on, things are a little less obvious.  Good thing I'm so wise (knowledge is power, kids).  Mr. Congeniality lives at first base.  They are usually slightly larger, with a powerful swing, and an infectious laugh.  If Santa played baseball, he'd play first base (ie, Cecil Fielder, Prince Fielder, Albert Pujols).  He is always chatting up the ump, base runners, coaches, fans, anyone within a ten foot radius.  A good first baseman will lull you into a false sense of security and then pick you off when your head is turned.

Second baseman: Shortest guy on the team.  If you are 5 foot 7 inches (but lie and say you are really 5'11'') and want to be a ball player, you better practice turning double plays and flipping balls to the shortstop.  It's true kids, even short kids can make the majors (ie, Craig Biggio 5'10'', Joe Morgan 5'10'', and one of my favs, Bill Mazeroski 5'11'').  Infante is listed at 5'11'', but hey, Dougie Fresh has to have somewhere to rest his cup.

Third baseman: Stuntman.  These guys are always diving around the infield, even with considerably less room to cover than their next door neighbors, the shortstop.  Seems like they think the third base line is like the DMZ in Korea (Google it people) and will protect it at all costs (ie, Chipper Jones, George Brett, Brooks Robinson).  Miggy does an average job over at third, but no one compared to In-Gee.  Say what you will about him, but he's was quite the defensive player.  The throw from third to first also demands quite the arm strength.  I've seen more than one throw from third wobble in the air, only to somehow land in the glove of the first baseman.

Left fielder: Master of geometry.  A good line drive down the third base line will hit approximately 2-3 walls and rattle around in the corner for up to 24.5 seconds.  The responsibility of the left fielder is to figure out the angle at which the ball will hit the wall and anticipate the trajectory (ie, Stan the Man (Math Man that is), Shoeless Joe (shoes threw off his ability to read the bounce), and Ted Williams).  That's why Dirty Dirks always has a protractor in his back pocket.

Right fielder: Beach ball control.  Someone has to do it.  Often, right field sees less action than left, depending on who is pitching that day.  During any game, debris and inflatable summer toys are bound to get on the field.  As the armpit of the outfield, it's the right fielder's job to play clean up and keeping the field up to the center fielder's standards.  Sorry to say, some of your favs patrolled this position (Kaline, Gwynn, Ruth).  I don't think the right fielder's mind though.  I heard they get to keep their booty.  They also make up for it with impressive power hitting.

Pitcher: Winner or Loser.  No other position gets a number next to his name based on if the TEAM won or lost.  Heavy, my friends.  Baseball is an unfair game where a pitcher can get no run support (Verlander) or tons of run support (SchEYEzer) and yet the result of the game is clearly their responsibility (sorry Charlie).  While we are talking about pitchers, the quality of a good pitcher is to keep the game moving swiftly.  Dougie does this so well and so did another Tiger pitcher of yore.  Steve Sparks, who now announces for the Astros.  Red rover, red rover, send Sparks right over.  We'll trade you for C-Mo, Shannon Hogan, and Justin White.  It's a deal, I swear!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Don't serve your mother Potato

There's not much you can do to ruin Mother's Day.  Moms around the world are usually grateful to received their raw macaroni cards with bits of dried paste sticking limply to the construction paper.  Cold breakfasts in bed, coupons for free hugs, even huge Detroit Tiger earrings usually worn in nightclubs (thanks Kitty Tiger and Doggie Tiger), moms will accept anything knowing it came from the heart.  No, there's only one way to ruin Mother's Day, and his name is Papa Potato.  If Smokes thought that the Tiger fans would have difficulty accepting Potato back into their hearts before today, then he hasn't seen anything yet!  
Happy Mother's Day from Papa Potato

Shout out to BraYAN Pena.  That boy sprints around the bases after a home run like he's running from The Beast.  He's in some kind of imaginary competition with Philthy Phil for who can be the most intense.  Verdict's out on who's winning, although Philthy Phil already has a year of intensity under his belt, so BraYAN is going to have to work pretty hard.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Mr. Fister goes to Washington

Up next for the Tigers is a two game series with the Nationals.  The Tigers were supposed to have an off day before and after the series, but because of weather, they get a coveted two days off with a game slotted for Thursday.  To fill the time, some of the boys hit the local attractions to get a little piece of American history.  Prepare your Tigress hearts for the following picture:

Yes that is Debbie DOWNer, Dougie Fresh, and SmyLIE.  What I wouldn't give to be on that sightseeing trip.  Dougie has never looked fresher with his Dawson's Creek messenger bag, sweet A sunglasses, and his thumbs in his pockets pose.  SmyLIE is also looking stylish with his sleeves casually rolled up.  Unfortunately, Debbie Downer looks like a lost farmer who stumbled into the picture with a couple of hotties.  I really wish I had been wandering around DC yesterday.  I'd have to think they'd draw attention to themselves with all of them being over 6'3''.  They'd be pretty hard to miss.  Missed opportunity.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Don't speak of

I know I've written of this before but I can't seem to find the post (if memory serves it was about Sanchez last year, if you find it, please post the link below!).  The number one rule of the No Hitter club is that you don't talk about the No Hitter.  You just don't.  Now, the boys in the broadcasting booth did a good job avoiding the subject like the plague, but it's equally important for people in viewing land and in social media world to abide by the same rules (just like the Dude abides).  Here's what the Detroit Tigers posted on Facebook leading up to the 7th inning.
They also wrote "So this is happening right now."  Not any more dudes!  Verdiggity was looking tasty though and with Cabby's ridiculous somersault, no look toss to Princey Pie, it had all the makings of the defensive plays always involved in a no hitter.  From this point on, Tigress faithful, please don't speak of the no hitter while it's in progress.  In fact "don't speak of" is code for "I know what's going on and you know what's going on and it's really exciting, but let's not ruin this."

Smokes claims that JV's pitch count was too high and he wouldn't have left JV in anyway.  I'm calling BS on that one right now.  1.  When Verdiggity's in the zone, no one approaches him.  That includes Smokes.  In fact, sometimes you can see Smokes walking towards him, and you can clearly just see JV shake his head.  Pretty sure if Smokes wanted to take JV out of a no hitter situation, he'd have to drug his Gatorade and have Lamont help him drag JV into the locker room.  2.  Pitch count or no, you can't break up a no hitter!  Not during a regular inning game where the Tigers are winning by such a wide margin.  You just don't.  I rest my case.

Let it also be known that AJacks' stellar catch to end the game is not being overlooked.  He commands that outfield and it's just an embarrassment for other teams really.  The only down point of this game was Darin Downs.  He was all over the place and never looked in control to me.  Let's hope Coke and Dotel get better soon so we can send that guy back down to Toledo.

Shout out to Dirty Dirks.  He looked solid, no, rock steady today.  Hitting from the number 2 position also really agreed with him.  Don't get me wrong, it's Hunter's spot, but Dirty is a good back up.  Dirty was 4 for 4 and raised his batting average by 40 points in one game.  That's a good way to jump start your season.

All the Tigers were sick this series actually (especially Avila who supposedly ate something today and couldn't play.  Good thing Pena brought his big boy pants).  If this is what the season is going to be like, then I might as well start saving my personal days for October.

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Avila's home run is being celebrated today as the heroic measure the Tigers needed to win the game last night in ninth inning glory.  While his hit did score the winning run, I find it hard to forget the man who walked before him to stand on first while Avila hit the homer.  The man who scored the tying run.  Mr. Donnie Kelly.  

Donnie is like when a coworker heats up last night's fish in the microwave.  The smell just kind of lingers around and is hard to get rid of.  At first, you notice it and it kind of bothers you.  Then after a while, you are so used to living in the stench that you just kind of accept it.  That's what Donnie Kelly is.  Never two consecutive stellar days or plays, but he always seems to do something when it matters.  It's indescribable.  There's been lots of argument lately about whether Donnie Kelly is good or bad, the devil or the savior.  The truth is, the play of Donnie shouldn't make or break our season.  He's a tenth man, or more realistically, the eleventh or twelfth man.  Sure he has some moments of greatness, but compared to Cabrera, Fielder, Hunter, and VMart, he's just another cog in the system.  That said, I like Donnie Kelly.  There, I've said it.  He's a guilty pleasure!  Love him or hate him, he's here for now after clawing his way back on to the team.  I give him props.
He's as surprised as anyone about the Tigress love!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

2013 Giveaways

When choosing a Tiger game to attend, there are three important questions to ask yourself:

1.  Who will go with me?
2.  Who will the Tigers play?
3.  Are there any giveaways?

A review of the Tiger schedule reveals the best deals of the year.  Here they are, Tigress approved!

May- The best giveaway in May has to be the Dougie Fresh mouse pad.  I'm not sure how many people actually use mouse pads anymore, but I'd make an exception for Dougie.  Head out to the park on Monday, May 13th and if you happen to get an extra mouse pad, I know a certain Tigress that would love one for a late Mother's Day present.
June- This one is for the kids, but the good news is that kids are easy to steal from.  You just go for their knees and then run quickly.  Anyway, what you will be stealing from the children is a Paws cereal bowl.  I'd even eat Frosted Flakes in there and then shout, "Don't stop believing they're grrrrrrrrreat!"  Take a small child with you to the ballpark on Sunday, June 9th to snag this sweet item.
July- On Wednesday, July 10th, you can celebrate a belated Independence Day by getting a Tigers Stars and Stripes cooler.  It's soft sided, so it's even approved to bring your various unopened waters into the ballpark.  I'd also suggest putting some M&Ms in there with an ice pack so that your chocolate treat doesn't melt by the 3rd inning.  That's just experience talking, though.
Sunday, July 14th is also Justin Verlander bobblehead day for the small ones.  If you are opposed to stealing from children, you could probably borrow one for the day from your local, worn out friend.  By then, the kids will be out of school for a month and they will be driving their parents crazy.  It's the perfect way to score a bobblehead and earn bonus points with your friends.  As for the kids, trade them a hot pretzel for their bobblehead.  Kids love hot pretzels.
August- Pictures aren't available for August yet, but some items just sound full of possibilities.  The first is "Fiesta Tigres Item" on Saturday, August 3rd.  What is the item you ask?  It's so secret that even the marketing department doesn't know what it is yet!  Tuesday, August 27th is Tiger floppy hat day.  Don't tell the Tigers that floppy hats went out of style in the 90s.  They are still relevant to them!  Friday, August 30th is Verdiggity "Shut them down" Fathead.  Again, what is it?  What will his expression look like to imply the shutting down of other teams?  Your guess is as good as mine!

September- Again, pictures not available yet, but the imagination can run wild.  Friday, September 13th is Pink Breast Health Awareness Handbag night.  Nothing says "I squeeze my breasts regularly" like a pink handbag.  If you want a Miggy bobblehead to sit next to your JV bobblehead on the shelf, then head to CoPa (Comerica Park) on Tuesday, September 17th.  I won't tell your boss if you play hooky.

Lots of cool Tiger swag available.  Don't forget Polish American Night or Zubaz Pants night either.  These are yearly traditions that are guaranteed to make memories.  What gets you out to CoPa?