Friday, December 14, 2012

Smart move, worst news

Winter meetings are in full swing and the Master Brow is continuing to strengthen the Tigers' pitching and lineup.  Today's move of signing Sanchez to a five year deal was a fabulous move.  The four returning starting pitchers dominated teams in the playoffs (with little help from the offense).  Sanchez was a welcome addition to the starting lineup, especially after he figured out American League batters.  So, Master Brow, smart move.

Honestly though, it's hard for me to get excited about anything today.  Only 10 days until Christmas should be the most exciting time for small children around the country, so I can't imagine what the families of Newtown, Connecticut are going through.  As an employee of an elementary school, I pride myself on being able to provide the one stable environment in a child's life.  The one place where they know they will be loved, cared for, and able to learn and grow.  The right, that feeling, was taken away from the small children in Newtown and too much tragedy and anxiety was thrust upon these small minds.  I can't begin to fathom the feeling of inadequacy and helplessness the employees and parents of these children feel.  Although I'm a spiritual person, I don't often request others to pray or think of others.  I've always been of the mindset that it's your choice to turn your energy where you see fit.  However, if you'll indulge me, just take a minute to send some positive energy, thought, prayers (whatever) to the families of Newtown.  The small children and their families need all the support they can get as they wake up tomorrow with the consequences of one person's actions today.

Until happier times, forever a Tigress and an educator.

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