Sunday, December 9, 2012

Classic advertisements

Without baseball to watch, there are a lot of Christmas specials to keep me occupied.  During said specials, there's always some commercials that stand the test of time and even tug at my heart a little bit.  Here are some of my favorites:

The Runaway:  Little Lindsay wants to run away to McDonaldLand because she's "too little."  Don't worry Lindsay, I know just the person to convince you to not run away...a giant clown who just happens to be making a snowman in your neighborhood even though he claims to be from this McDonaldLand.  Don't worry though, Lindsay sees the error of her ways and decides she irreplaceable (just like Beyonce).

Hershey Jingle Bells: Nothing says Christmas like musical chocolate.  Simple, yet effective.  They still play it today for a reason.

Campbell's Snowman: Every kid knows the feeling of being outside in the snow so long that your cheeks turn a beautiful red and your toes are numb for hours.  The Campbell's snowman epitomizes this childhood memory and adds in an adorable kid to boot.  His face at the end is priceless.

Folger's Brother and Sister:  Gotta be honest about this one, I always cry.  Right when she puts the bow on her brother.  Old age is turning me into one big softie, just like Smokes.  I also like how Folger's is "real" coffee.  Maybe next time do some volunteer work in Columbia and see what real coffee is.

Coke Polar Bears:  There have been several Christmas Coke commercials with polar bears in them, but throw in some penguins and I can't resist!  Nothing brings species of animals together like a carbonated beverage!

Enjoy being persuaded to buy these products and many more this holiday season!

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