Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Hot corner move

Word got through the slow-moving winter news system today that Gene Lamont is no longer the 3rd base coach for the Tigers.  He's moved to "bench coach."  Brookens is taking over at 3rd and Rafael Belliard is taking over at 1st (which isn't nearly as important as any other coaching position but that's ok).  Here are the top 5 reasons for Lamont's move to "bench coach."

5.  Smokes and Lamont needed MORE time to talk.  It was too much of a hardship for Smokes to send Lamont out to third base every half inning.  Smokes hasn't heard every Lamont childhood story about how he overcame the hardship of living in Illinois and having to manage the White Sox in the 90s.

4.  Brookens' fine "bod" is best observed from 3rd base, where Leyland the other coaches can admire his dedication to fitness.  Brookens has an ass to be admired.

3.  Brookens and Belliard have become "bros" over the past couple years (cue the bromance).  They've developed a series of intricate hand gestures and signals that need to be tested out from across the diamond.  Only way to do that was to kick Lamont out of his base coaching duties.

2.  Lamont's reflexes have deteriorate over the years and he's no longer quick enough to avoid stray foul balls (this one is probably 100% accurate).

1.  And the number one reason is...Lamont's 50% safe percentage on runners he has sent home.  I'm not a statistician, but I'm going to venture a guess that Lamont's safe percentage is one of the worst in MLB.  It's common knowledge that Prince Fielder is the worst slider on the Tigers (something to work on in the off season, friend), and the tag out by Buster Posey during game 2 of the World Series was probably the final nail in the coffin.

Smokes, Dombrowski, whoever made the final call to move's about time!

1 comment:

  1. AGREE! Every move they've made so far has been awesome. April can't come soon enough. GO TIGERS!
