Saturday, December 1, 2012

Christmas shopping

December is a wonderful month.  There are so many Christmas songs, movies, and decorations to distract us from the lack of Tiger action.  There's just one terrible thing about December, trying to figure out the perfect gift for every person on your list.  Then, dealing with the crazy crowds, lines, and rude people in stores.  Fear not Tigress-true, we aim to serve.  Here are some ideas for everyone on your list!  No simple Tigers t-shirts here either.  Think outside the shirt!

Father Tiger: One year Brother Tiger took one of Father Tiger's tools and wrapped it up.  Father Tiger had no idea it was already his tool!  I'm pretty sure Brother Tiger got the idea from a Christmas special, but who cares?  Well played, Brother.  So, to keep all those re-gifted tools organized, give Father Tiger a Tiger tool belt.

Mother Tiger: You know those jewelry store commercials where the mother is always tickled to get a diamond bracelet or necklace for Christmas?   Well, those gifts are so 2011.  Get Mother Tiger something she'll actually wear!  Forget about expensive jewelry that can be worn once a year.  Get her a Tigers necklace that goes with yoga pants and a little black dress (OK, probably not a little black dress).
Brother Tiger:  If your brother is anything like mine, he's all about the fun.  Instead of being a responsible sibling who discourages any kind of shenanigans, let the fun roll!  Just be prepared with bail money if need be. Get Brother Tiger a Tigers beer pong table and tell him to invite you to the first house party.

Sister Tigress: Tangible presents are great, but sometimes nothing beats the experience of going to a game.  Tickets aren't on sale yet for the 2013 season, but write your Sister Tigress a little IOU and promise seats in the Terrace section against a rival team.  Even better, give her the IOU in this ticket holding book.  That way, she'll get to save her tickets and cherish the memories (awww, I'm so sentimental around the holidays).  That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.
Significant other Tiger or Tigress: Show your Honey Tiger (or Tigress) a little love this year by outfitting their most valuable asset.  Their bum of course!  Tiger underwear is the perfect way to say "When I look at your bum, I think of baseball."  Now that's love.
Happy shopping!

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