Friday, August 30, 2013

Gabby Cabby

I have to admit, anytime a Tiger player goes on Intentional Talk with Kevin Millar and Chris Rose, it's usually a very pleasurable thing to watch.  Tiger players like to have fun anyway but they loosen up even more and are usually hilarious.  Miggy is no exception.  Take nine minutes and give it a watch here, then come back for a minute.

First, let's all just admit we are impressed with Millar's Spanish so he stops throwing in random words and then translating them immediately.  Ok, done.

If there's one guy who understands how he plays the game of baseball better than anyone else, it's Cabrera.  I love that he can judge what type of pitch he's getting and then try and place it based on where it would be easiest to hit it out.  You'd think the baseball took minutes to reach home plate each time instead of the seconds it really does take.  Also, the key to getting Miggy out is to throw balls on all sides of the plate and then up.  No wonder it's difficult to strike Cabrera out.  The control and skill needed to do so is difficult to achieve.

What kind of TV shows do they broadcast in Miami?  They look crazy!  I love that the hosts try and dis VMart and Cabby turns around and throws it right to Brayan Pena.  Sounds like a party with Hunter, Pena, and Cabby would be highly entertaining.

Don't worry Cabby, we've all tripped over things that weren't really there.  Usually, I try and play it off like it didn't happen, or pretend to start and run (like Ellen advises).  Your idea is genius though, to pretend to be hurt so that people feel bad about laughing.

I don't know if I can replicate how Miggy says Verlander, but I think it should be the socially accepted way of pronouncing it.  I say VERlander, Miggy says erLANDer.  Will erLANDer ever get a hit?  We can only hope he'll redeem himself sometime (WS maybe?).

How can Princey Pie not like his look-alike?  The sincerest form of flattery is imitation.  Take it and be grateful!  Plus, that guy is a dead ringer for him under the circumstances.

Correction, the best party would be Pena, Cabby, and Pablo Sandoval, the Panda himself.  I wouldn't mind doing the salsa with any of those guys.  Miggy's right, the girls dig it!

I remember Verlander's comment that Al was the ugliest player.  I think it's possible that Miggy is just trying to get a rise out of JV with the ugly comment.  With pants as tight as his, there's no way he's the ugliest.  I don't' think the choices they gave were exactly good ones though.  They didn't even mention anyone from the bullpen (Benoit anyone?).  That's where the ugly lives.  Nice to know that feet-wise, Miggy takes the cake.  Personally, I think all men's feet are kind of gross.  They don't need pretty feet.  Fred Flintstone feet get you from point A to point B so that's all that matters.

OK, the new plan is for Panda, Pena, Miggy and myself to go fishing on his yacht in Miami, hold the fishing for me.  I'll bring the salsa and chips.  Let's leave Chris and Kevin out of this one.

Thank goodness none of these Tiger players are smoking with Smokes.  Need to keep the fitness up.  Sounds like the second-hand smoke levels are pretty ridiculous in the tunnel though.

What is Cabby doing with those hips!?  No wonder he has sore hips.  Kevin Rand needs to put a nix on his dancing until November.  Shakira's hips don't lie, but Miggy's hips are moving like an 85 year old woman with osteoporosis.

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