Sunday, July 1, 2012

Peralta in June

I'm not a stat person.  Math's not my thing.  However, even I can tell you that soft J had a much better June than he did for both April and May.  To cap off the month of June, Jhonny hit a two run single in the ninth with two outs.  That's clutch.  I love the two out hits, they are so tasty.

Yesterday I watched most of the game in a bar, which definitely has it's advantages and disadvantages.  Let's examine:

  • Did not get to hear Verdiggity's interview with the Fox boys, which are usually pretty hilarious.
  • Missed hearing about Rhymes' hilarious (although scary) incident where he was hit in the arm and proceeded to pass out after getting to first.
  • Didn't get to hear Evan Longoria's interview (what can I say?  He's good).

  • Didn't have to hear the Fox boys' terrible commentary.  Seriously, they talked about pine tar for 15+ minutes at the end of the game.
  • Got to hang out with awesome friends.
  • Got to have delicious beverage not found in the normal fridge.
  • Watched Brother-in-Law Tiger win a ninja watermelon.  That's right, he's the JV of watermelons.
 Advantages takes the cake.

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