Friday, July 13, 2012

Goofus and Gallant

So this is a little late, but the All Star game this year was terrible.  I think JV summed it up best when he said, "That's why I don't try and throw 100 MPH in the first inning."  Then why did you do it?!  ARGG.  And if this whole Kate Upton dating rumor is true, well then, you are going to be on my "List."  Trust me, you don't want to be on the Tigress's "List."

I went to an All Star game once.  It was glorious.  I actually remember more about the Home Run Derby (Bobby Abreu tore it up that year), but the memories that stick in my mind involve two beer vendors.  Now, here's a little factoid.  Food and beverage vendors are brought in from many other stadiums to deal with the massive amounts of people that attend the festivities.  I saw two beer vendors that stick out in my mind.  Let's call this, the tale of Gallant and Goofus (remember those?).

Gallant: Selling beer while players are warming up on Monday (Home Run Derby day) in the right field bleachers.  He happens to be in the aisle when Johnny Damon (pre-Tiger days) hits a ball that lands at his feet.  He picks up the ball and has a souvenir of his time selling beer in Detroit.

Goofus: In the aisle next to me as I watched the game, tripped up the stairs and spilled at least 10 cans of beer.  Here's all I could think...that's going to come out of his tips!  Talk about a disappointment!  That's a lot of cash to lose.  Beers were 8.50, times ten, 85 dollars, plus tips he missed out on.

It was a lonely week without regular baseball, but now that we are back, I'm excited for the second half.  Dougie Fresh was quite good today and the Tiger bats were alive.  A good Dougie Fresh means a solid starting pitching line up, if only our relief pitchers would step it up.

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