Sunday, July 22, 2012

Snickers satisfies

Just like Snickers, the Tigers satisfy this week.  They pull a Rolling Stones and gave some satisfaction.  You get the drift.  Impressive pitching from Verlander and Porcello (so close to that complete game).  A MUCH better start out of Turner.  Run production out of AJacks.  Home runs out of Bboesch.  Wicked defense out of Tigerberry.  Actual relief pitching out of Dotel and Benoit (a little bit for Papa Potato, but I don't want him to get too satisfied with himself).  And of course, 300 home runs from Cabby.  Insane.

Oh wait, I forgot about one thing...a sweep of the Sox (the bleached ones, not the ones that got thrown in with the red underwear), which now means the Tigers are leading the AL Central by 1.5 games.  So tasty.
Warning: 100 MPH Verlander fastballs may cause severe damage to equipment

The only thing that really would have capped off the weekend is if Sister Tigress would have taken the bet I issued to her at a bar this weekend.  We were watching Porcello stomp the bleached Sox when I noticed that there was a guy sitting at the table next to us wearing an LA Dodgers shirt.  The thing is, he was clearly there to watch the Tigers, talking on the phone and to the waiter about them.  Then, his friend showed up and had on a Red (underwear) Sox hat on.  COME ON!  You are in Detroit (we were literally within 30 miles of the park), clearly enjoying the Tigers dominate their Central opponent, at least have the decency to wear a Tiger shirt or non-MLB shirt.  So, the bet to Sister Tigress was to have the following conversation with one or both of these dudes:

Sister Tigress: Excuse me.
Homie: Yo.
ST: You have something on your hat (or shirt, depending on the fella).
Homie: Really?  (Looks at shirt/hat confused)
ST: Ya, looks like puke.  Go Tigers!

She could have earned an easy 10 spot, but NO.  I think that it is within the rights of Tiger Country to call out a person wearing a different team's apparel WHILE watching/cheering for the Tigs.  So it has been written, and so it shall be!

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