Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Winter baseball

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
All over the state
Winter hooded players
Old space heaters
A little dusting shouldn't stop the game!

Seriously, Detroit got what is considered a normal spring snowfall on Tuesday and the game was cancelled.  Here's a sample of the tweets that show how baseball players have become soft over the years.

Snowball fight

With an inch of snow?! Dream on kid.

There is snow on the ground... And we are suppose to play a baseball game tonight

You can tell he's from Arkansas.

Rookie mistake last night! Anybody have one of those snow scrapers? I don't own one. Lol
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Children born in Michigan are issued a snow scraper upon release from the hospital.  I'm sure they are included in the sale of every car.  How else did three end up in my trunk?  Asking everyone in the Twitter universe if they own a snow scraper is just asking for ridicule.

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Seriously, you can still see pavement!  

Look, I get that many of these guys aren't from Michigan or anywhere north of the Mason Dixon, but you live in Michigan for about seven months out of the year.  Snow is possible in ten of the twelve months when you live in Michigan.  A snow scraper, ear muffs, hand warmers...these are essentials in the mitten state.  Strap on your Polanco hoods and lace up your cleat boots.  Spring means baseball!  I miss baseball.

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