Thursday, April 10, 2014

Nocturnal dragon

It occured to me that Tuesday's game was the first opportunity for a true "night" game.  Unfortunately, the night was on the Pacific coast meaning game time is 10...PM.  Faithful readers will remember that 10 PM is way past the Tigress's bedtime.  However, now that I'm raising a snuggly, nocturnal dragon, I'm finding myself awake at odd hours of the night.  Now, the best ideas don't necessarily come at 1 AM, but some interesting ones do.  Here's what came to mind last night:

Mario made a comment about Gene Lamont being perched on the shoulder of Rad Brad, which got me to thinking...gee, that's what he used to do to Smokes.  An image immediately appeared in my head.

Polly want a cracker?
Allow me to connect the dots.  Jafar represents the current Tigers manager and that annoying bird, Iago, to the right is Lamont.  The adviser to the royal vizier.  Always squawking in his ear but not always necessarily making sense.  What other sidekicks from recent cinema also apply in this scenario?  Funny you should ask.

Surprisingly, our next example bares a striking resemblance to the man himself.  This one is a tad more bumbling, but loyal to a fault.  Mr. Smee and Lamont are brothers from a different mother.

Tip to Smee, Lamont orders his shirts in extra long
A true sidekick though is willing to switch sides at the drop of the hat in pursuit of fame and fortune.  Case in point, David Spade's character in Coneheads.  He always intercepts messages to relay to his boss in hopes of looking better and seeming important.  Seems spot on to me!

Let me tell him.  He's had a rough day.

Lamont will have to blaze his own trail and be the best of all these characters in his quest for Tiger supremacy.  Maybe he'll work his way up to the front office upon retirement.  Dombrowski's shoulder has been looking fairly cold recently given all the shade he threw at Scherzer.

I still have my BFF necklace

On an unrelated note, the new format for McDonald's player of the game has taken a new interesting and competitive nature.  Rod, Mario, and a Fox Sports reporter predict who will be the player of the game.  So far, it's led Rod and Mario to make subtle jabs at each other during the game and gloat when their player is doing well.  I like where this is going.

Rod and Mario have been singing the praises of Evan Reed early on in this season.  As I was surfing the web (no surfboard necessary), I found an article about Evan Reed being accused of sexual assault the day before opening day at MotorCity Casino.  While he hasn't been charged yet, somehow this always happens when players are just breaking out.  I'm going to reserve judgment until they investigate further, but a word to the wise to other up and coming Tiger stars, keep your nose clean and your head in the game.  It's only April, we need all hands on deck.  That's no way to get picked for player of the game or impress the sidekick.  Remember, he makes the phone calls out to the bullpen many times.
What?  This isn't Little Caesars?

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