Thursday, April 3, 2014

Close calls

Rad Brad successfully won a challenge in the second game of the season.  As if that wasn't enough, he decided to try it again.  Oh ya, he won that one too.  Two successful challenges in only the second game of the season.  I do have one gripe about Brad's challenging technique, he's way too calm!  He must not have studied Smokes' style during the winter.  Brad quietly strolled out to the umpire, appeared to speak at a conversational level, and then walked away with a smile as the umpire went to go check the replay.  Is this Brad's style, or are the crazy manager rants of old obsolete?

With replay, there's no reason to go ape-crazy on an umpire because there's an umpire crew in New York looking at twelve (over compensating much?) camera views to determine the correct call.  Hard to argue with that process.  Once a call is reviewed, arguing is just like banging your head against the wall.  It causes a commotion but that wall isn't moving.  I'm going to be honest, if instant replay makes managers more reasonable, then I say we get rid of it.  No reason that managers have to be rational and treat umpires with respect.  I mean, the best part of watching March Madness is waiting for a coach to go crazy and get a technical.  Crazy equals entertaining, which leads to high ratings.

Tigers have one more game against the new and improved Royals (seriously, this team made a playoff run last year).  A sweep would be great, so keep your Swiffers close my friends.

Hey everyone, come see how reasonable I'm acting

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