Monday, December 2, 2013

Existent to Nationals

Wait, what?  The title above is the text I received for Sister Tigress after I spent a long day conferencing at work.  Either my eyes aren't work correctly, my brain isn't working correctly, or auto correct strikes again!  What could it mean though?  I tried to decipher the message pre-auto correct.  Here were my thoughts:

Yes, the Nationals do exist (just like Santa and the big, talking M&Ms from that Christmas commercial).  We can all thank the downfall of the Expos for this.

Iglesias?  They traded Iggy?  That can't be!  We only just acquired the second half to the most solid middle infield the Tigers have had since Lou and Alan back in the day.

That's it. I got nothing else

After a phone call (I know!  It's like the stone age), everything got cleared up.  Fister got traded to the Nationals.  Don't know how that got switched to Existent, but it happened people.  Once the truth set in, I was pretty crushed.  My Dougie Fresh, My Tiger, Mr. Speedy and Reliable.  Gone.  No more two hour games for the Tigers.  Unless Steve Sparks comes out of retirement.  I guess this leaves room for Smyly to be a starter (eh) and it better mean Scherzer is getting signed!

Somehow on the day that Fister gets traded, Donnie Kelly gets signed to a one year contract.  Just when I think you are an evil genius, Dom, you go and break my heart like this.

One thing is for sure, I've got a lot of thinking to do this off season.  I need a new Tiger and I never really filled the position of My Not Tiger.  Decisions, decisions.

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