Friday, November 22, 2013

The trade

When news reached me on Wednesday that the Tigers traded Prince Fielder for the Rangers' Ian Kinsler, I went through a progression of emotions.

9:00 PM- What?!  You gotta be kidding me.  Dom, you are the stupidest mind in all of baseball!  A first baseman for a second baseman?!  Getting rid of Prince, who we gave a huge contract and was the boy that came home to Detroit.  This is bananas.

9:05- Ian Kinsler is a baller.  I mean, just imagine the middle of the infield.  Iggy and Kinsler are two masters of fielding and are solid single-double hitters.  Kinsler isn't a power hitter, but it's a known fact that Comerica Park is NOT a home run park.  Omar's contract is up so this is a good transition.

9:10- Plus, Ian Kinsler is good looking.  In fact, he got second place in the Tigress's hottest men of the AL post for second basemen.

9:17- Miggy can move back to first base!  Not as much wear and tear on his body and give him a chance to do what he's really good at...hitting.

9:21- VMart can play first base when we play in a NL park while Miggy plays the occasional third.  That leaves his bat in the lineup.  In fact, he can move right behind Cabby and create a really effective one-two punch.

9:26- Prince was a disappointment during the playoffs.  It's probably best that he's leaving after his mediocre performance.  I'd hate for him to have been a stud and then got traded.  Oh man, my mind is on overload.  I need to go to bed.

7:16 AM Thursday- FOR SCHERZER!!!  The Tigers opened up some money to re-sign Scherzer!  That has to be part of Dom's master plan.  It HAS to be part of the master plan.

7:22- Holy cow, is Dom the smartest man in baseball?  It's entirely possible.  If Castellanos plays third (he'd have to earn it), then the only position that's unsure is left field.  That's pretty good!  Oh, and the bullpen of course, but Dom's got three full months to figure this out.

So, had I written a post right away, I probably would have pooh-poohed Dom's plan, but after careful reflection and talking to the most devoted fans at work, I've come around to Dom's madness.  There was only one person I talked to yesterday that was disappointed by the trade.  That means 9 out of 10 people in West Michigan approve.  That's almost as many dentists that suggest flossing.  It's just a good thing I got Baby Tigress a Verdiggity doll instead of the Princey Pie doll.  I'd hate for her to be out of vogue before she's out of the womb.

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