Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Santa came early

For years, life has been stiffing Alex Avila.  Sure he's a major league catcher who had an All Star season, but life has been a little rough for Big Al in the past few years.  He "met" Prince Fielder's elbow and got a concussion.  He gets drilled by more foul balls than is statistically possible.  His batting average got upstaged by the past two back up catchers.  His hair was replicated by JV when he dressed up as BoZo the clown for Halloween.  Let's not even talk about his beard that is like the proverbial cat who always seems to come back the very next day.

But, lo!  Behold, it's a Christmas miracle!  Major League Baseball is going to outlaw collisions at the plate!  One small step for Alex's knees, one giant leap for his brain.  Never say that Santa doesn't read letters from deserving little children.

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