Thursday, July 18, 2013

Second half

Even though baseball games are divided into innings, we true fans know that season are broken up in a different sense.  There's the part before the All Star break, and the part after.  Otherwise known as the first half of the season and the second half.  Tomorrow starts the second half of the season, when things stop being polite and start getting real.  Here are some things we have going for us:

Tigers are a game and a half up in the Central over Cleveland

Dougie Fresh is well known to light it up in the second half.  Bumpiness aside, he can really throw some missiles.

Master Brow has been successful in the past of working some trade deadline magic to acquire whatever the Tigers need for a playoff run.  This year, his eyes should be on a closer.  Let's see if he pulls through.

Cabrera's first half numbers were, in a word, ridiculous.  He got 132 hits, 95 RBIs, 30 home runs, a .365 average, and an on base percentage of .458.  If he can muster up the same momentum, then he's looking to have another banner season.  All at the tender age of 30...

VMart just started heating up before the break, climbing from the basement up to a .258 average.  I'm sure he spent his days off in the batting cage to keep his swing fresh.  His year off from injury obviously affected his batting average, but the rust is starting to fall off.  He's the five spot we need to be deadly in the playoffs.

The Tigers dominated the All Star game.  Cabrera, Peralta, and Fielder all got hits (Princey Pie's was arguably the best of the game and provided the most amount of chuckles per All Star, it's a real stat).  SchEYEzer pitched a perfect first inning (and probably could have gone another...I'm looking at you Smokes).  With a team contributing so much to a league competition, it's obvious that others are taking notice.

I'm pumped for the second half, how about you?

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