Wednesday, July 24, 2013


This series against the White Sox is the way the Tigers should be playing baseball.  Even with Cabby hobbling through, Infante still on the DL, and the bullpen slowly recovering from a dismal first half, the Tigers have managed to string runs together and hold the Sox to minimal damage.  I like it!

Something happened the other day that will change the course of history.  No, not the royal baby (Detroit declaring bankruptcy is close though).  It's that the Detroit Tigress finally joined Twitter (You can read all the antics here).  Rest assured that I'll be sure to be Twittering (or Tweeting, I've heard it both ways) during games, bringing you the inner thoughts of the third most interesting Tiger fan in the world.  Here are some examples from the past two days:

Prince must be wearing a postal uniform under his jersey because he sure can deliver.

Blue light special: Chicago is having a Sale on Tiger runs (this one is a play on names. It's clever AND funny)

News from the clubhouse, Cabby's hips fabricate the truth. Replaced by Donnie Kelly whose hips don't lie.

On a side note, any player who gets punishment for any drug violations, including involvement with Biogenensis, deserves whatever suspension or fine he incurs.  That includes Ryan Braun, Alex Rodriguez, Melky Cabrera, and even Jhonny Peralta.  A cheater is a cheater and consequences need to happen.  Hate to tell you boys, but you are role models.  Your actions do have consequences.  I'm impressed that Braun finally took ownership of his mistakes and is following the proper course.  I hope others who may be implicated can follow suit.

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