Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Still true

Sometimes you wonder if over the off season things will change from the previous year.  I caught a little bit of the Tiger game today and here are some things that are still true:

1. Tigerberry is still fast.  Really fast.  Can we find a spot for him on the roster?

2. BBoesch still can't hit an off speed pitch.  I'm not the only one to notice either.  You won't be getting many fastballs, kid.

3.  Dirty Dirks is still a clutch hitter.  Not flashy, not big, just clutch.  Here's my opinion, Smokes: He should be an everyday outfielder.

4. Having VMart back in the lineup hurts so good.  Just having his name in the lineup bodes well for the batter in front of him.

5. Donnie Kelly got a home run proving he is the cat the just keeps coming back.  I don't think we've seen the last of old Donnie.

While these things are still true, there were some questions as well:

1.  As I watched the game, I wondered what the Tigers would do with their starting rotation.  Obviously, Verdiggity, ScEYEzer, and Sanchez are all in since they have the contracts and the consistency.  Word on the street is that Porcello might be traded.  I'd be sad to see Ricky P go, but he's the weak link out of the lineup.  I also heard clamoring that some people want Dougie traded.  My question is, who?  I want names and addresses people!  We can't trade him.  We just can't.  Smyly is another X factor, but I would keep him to have a southpaw in the rotation.  He is also having a solid spring.  Time shall tell.

2. Santiago hit a grand slam today.  Is this his comeback year?  Or has he past his sell by date?

3. One more question, Tigress faithful.  The World Baseball Classic has the billing "16 teams, 16 countries" yet tonight the USA plays Puerto Rico.  Did I miss something?  Aren't they a territory?  Aren't they a US territory?  A win by either team tonight is a win for the US.


  1. We finally lost BBoesch and Sister Tigress will not be naming a new My Tiger this year. It's hurts so much when the ones I love leave...

  2. Yup, it's true they release him. The article is here:
    No My Tiger?! Doesn't seem right.
