Saturday, March 16, 2013

Decision Time

It's that time of spring where decisions are made.  Players being optioned to the minors, players being released, it's all very exciting!  Here's what we know for sure:

Bboesch is out like a fat kid in dodge ball   Sorry BB, you were nice to look at but it wasn't meant to be.  There is probably still options for him with other teams, but I don't know if you heard, we are a championship team.  We can't be having "project" players anymore.  Wait, I know a team that might need you.  Those lovable losers, the Yankees!  (This is for real.  Obviously the Yankees aren't lovable, but they did sign BBoesch while Teixeira and Granderson get healthy.)

According to Smokes, the Tigers will not be signing Papa Potato.  I guess he's working out in the Dominican and waiting by the phone like a 15 year old girl the night before the big school dance.  I will just say that there is a pattern of players performing terribly as a Tiger and then getting signed by another team and rocking it out.  Oh, you want examples?  What about Jason Grille and Fernando Rodney.  I thought so.

The fight for the fifth starting position is going to go down to the wire.  Will it be Porcello or Smyly?  Would either of these guys (Ricky P) be better suited for a "long reliever" role?  JV can't throw nine innings every time out, friends.  We have to have a bullpen too.

Anyway, opening day is quickly approaching.  The snow in Detroit might even be melted by April.  It's decision time, people, and there's no team I'd rather support than the Tigers.

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