Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The rotation

With opening day less than a week away, the Tigs have finally set their pitching rotation.  Looks like it will be Ricky P joining Verdiggity, SchEYEzer, Dougie Fresh, and Sanchez (might have to think of a cool nickname for him too now that he's sticking around).  SmyLIE is heading to the bullpen (I'm taking credit for this idea even though it was Ricky P I wanted to slide to the bullpen).  I think the starting five will be solid, with Dotel, SmyLIE and Philthy Phil in the pen.

Happy opening week people.  Take some time to enjoy the baseball and soak it all in.  This is the stuff spring is made of.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Decision Time

It's that time of spring where decisions are made.  Players being optioned to the minors, players being released, it's all very exciting!  Here's what we know for sure:

Bboesch is out like a fat kid in dodge ball   Sorry BB, you were nice to look at but it wasn't meant to be.  There is probably still options for him with other teams, but I don't know if you heard, we are a championship team.  We can't be having "project" players anymore.  Wait, I know a team that might need you.  Those lovable losers, the Yankees!  (This is for real.  Obviously the Yankees aren't lovable, but they did sign BBoesch while Teixeira and Granderson get healthy.)

According to Smokes, the Tigers will not be signing Papa Potato.  I guess he's working out in the Dominican and waiting by the phone like a 15 year old girl the night before the big school dance.  I will just say that there is a pattern of players performing terribly as a Tiger and then getting signed by another team and rocking it out.  Oh, you want examples?  What about Jason Grille and Fernando Rodney.  I thought so.

The fight for the fifth starting position is going to go down to the wire.  Will it be Porcello or Smyly?  Would either of these guys (Ricky P) be better suited for a "long reliever" role?  JV can't throw nine innings every time out, friends.  We have to have a bullpen too.

Anyway, opening day is quickly approaching.  The snow in Detroit might even be melted by April.  It's decision time, people, and there's no team I'd rather support than the Tigers.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Still true

Sometimes you wonder if over the off season things will change from the previous year.  I caught a little bit of the Tiger game today and here are some things that are still true:

1. Tigerberry is still fast.  Really fast.  Can we find a spot for him on the roster?

2. BBoesch still can't hit an off speed pitch.  I'm not the only one to notice either.  You won't be getting many fastballs, kid.

3.  Dirty Dirks is still a clutch hitter.  Not flashy, not big, just clutch.  Here's my opinion, Smokes: He should be an everyday outfielder.

4. Having VMart back in the lineup hurts so good.  Just having his name in the lineup bodes well for the batter in front of him.

5. Donnie Kelly got a home run proving he is the cat the just keeps coming back.  I don't think we've seen the last of old Donnie.

While these things are still true, there were some questions as well:

1.  As I watched the game, I wondered what the Tigers would do with their starting rotation.  Obviously, Verdiggity, ScEYEzer, and Sanchez are all in since they have the contracts and the consistency.  Word on the street is that Porcello might be traded.  I'd be sad to see Ricky P go, but he's the weak link out of the lineup.  I also heard clamoring that some people want Dougie traded.  My question is, who?  I want names and addresses people!  We can't trade him.  We just can't.  Smyly is another X factor, but I would keep him to have a southpaw in the rotation.  He is also having a solid spring.  Time shall tell.

2. Santiago hit a grand slam today.  Is this his comeback year?  Or has he past his sell by date?

3. One more question, Tigress faithful.  The World Baseball Classic has the billing "16 teams, 16 countries" yet tonight the USA plays Puerto Rico.  Did I miss something?  Aren't they a territory?  Aren't they a US territory?  A win by either team tonight is a win for the US.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Hole in the net

Words cannot describe my disgust at this article.

Report: Tigers Interested In Jose Valverde As ‘Safety Net’

Forget the safety net, Smokes.  I'd rather fly without that net and risk falling.  I think there's a hole in it anyway.  I mean, COME ON!  He withdrew from the World Baseball Classic because of "personal" reasons.  This man is a walking after school special.  If he does sign with the Tigers two things will happen:

1. I cry silently under my work desk
2. He automatically becomes My Not Tiger

Let's hope neither of these things happens.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

First watch

I rolled out of bed this morning a little later than usual but was pleasantly surprised to find the Tigers v. Yankee spring training game was being broadcast.  Happy Sunday to me!  It's my first official "watch" of the season.  Too bad it wasn't Rario broadcasting.  Some observations from the game:

·         The Yankee announcers (who are we kidding, everyone associated with the Yankees) are kind of pretentious.  They had Joe Girardi on the mic and Joe casually handed it off to Richard Gere who was sitting next to the dugout.  Smokes would never do that.  He’s a salt of the earth kind of guy.  He definitely wouldn't know who Richard Gere was and has no interest in hobnobbing with celebrities.

·         Donnie Kelly had a triple.  A good looking triple.  My mind is so conflicted about Donnie.  He has his moments of goodness and then ages of nothing.  Like in the 6th inning when he got caught stealing (really?).  He’s also just too darn nice.  He’s not even a candidate for My Not Tiger.  I can’t route against the underdog.

·         It’s hard to remember that Infante is a legitimate member of the team.  With all these minor leaguers mixed in, I keep thinking it’s 2006 and he’s a utility man.

·       Andy Dirks also had some pretty effective hits.  He had such a stellar year, I hope he can continue and seal up an everyday spot in the outfield.

      There's a game on tonight at 8 on MLB network with the Tigers facing Hotlanta.  I think it'd be a great day for a double header.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Ticket day

Happy ticket day to you, happy ticket day to you!  Happy ticket day dear Tigress fans, happy ticket day to you!  Hopefully you all got tickets to see your favorite teams, to see the greatest games with the best giveaways.  Ticket day is the Thanksgiving of the Christmas that is Opening Day.  So gorge yourself with turkey, my friends, because opening day is only four weeks away!