Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mister Fister

News out of Tiger land is that Fister had a solid start today giving up two runs over just two innings.  The rest of the Tigers pitching staff didn't fair as well since Astros ended up scoring nine runs total.  Good start to the spring Dougie Fresh.

Word on the Tiger beat is that Soft J dropped twenty pounds this off season and is moving around better defensively.  Personally, I never thought Soft J was sluggish on his defensive, but I guess an improvement over good has to be great.  I thought his bigger issue last year was his inconsistent bat.  Maybe the missing weight will increase the agility and speed of his bat.

In other news, our frenemy over in the Bronx sustained a broken arm in his first at bat of the season.  Luck was definitely not on his side.  Maybe this is just the Baseball gods' way of telling him to make his way back to Michigan to play a little left field.  Maybe?!


  1. I would LOVE to see Granderson back in Detroit...then the outfield would be unstoppable!

  2. Hitting a ball over their head does not sound Unstoppable...
