Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Spring Training

Spring training is upon us.  Pitchers and catchers have reported.  The players are lacing up their cleats and oiling their mitts.  I bet a few of the pitchers might even scuff up the ball a little, those dirty cheaters.  Oh to be in Tiger Town in February and March.  It's where dreams come true.  Like a five year old with ADHD in Disney World.  Except instead of taking Ritalin, the adults in Tiger Town indulge in a little beer.  Instead, I'm stuck in the snow and wind of Michigan.  That's ok, friends.  Spring is right around the corner and I can almost smell the promise of another championship season.

Some good news coming out of Tiger Town already:
Verdiggity won't pitch in the World Baseball Classic.  I'm all for Team USA, but to be honest, I'm relieved that JV will concentrate on being ready for Tiger opening day.

Both SchEYEzer and Verdiggity expressed interest in long term contacts.

VMart is back and healthy after his season off recovering from knee surgery.

The only bad news is that Kate Upton is the cover model for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition again.  That means we'll have to listen to stories of her and JV again all season.  We here at the Tigress were hoping her appeal had faded.  Unfortunately, wearing bikini bottoms and an open winter coat are now in style.

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