Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mister Fister

News out of Tiger land is that Fister had a solid start today giving up two runs over just two innings.  The rest of the Tigers pitching staff didn't fair as well since Astros ended up scoring nine runs total.  Good start to the spring Dougie Fresh.

Word on the Tiger beat is that Soft J dropped twenty pounds this off season and is moving around better defensively.  Personally, I never thought Soft J was sluggish on his defensive, but I guess an improvement over good has to be great.  I thought his bigger issue last year was his inconsistent bat.  Maybe the missing weight will increase the agility and speed of his bat.

In other news, our frenemy over in the Bronx sustained a broken arm in his first at bat of the season.  Luck was definitely not on his side.  Maybe this is just the Baseball gods' way of telling him to make his way back to Michigan to play a little left field.  Maybe?!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Spring television

Can't wait until April 1st to see the Tigers?  Fear not, Tigress faithful!  MLB network and our friendly broadcasters at FSN Detroit are playing many spring training games either live or on tape delay.  The fun starts this Saturday when the game will be broadcast later on MLB network.  Sanchez is first up to pitch.  Tune in to see the rust dissolve off our boys.

For a full schedule of days and times of televised broadcasts, click here.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Birthday and My not

I was looking back over posts from this time last year and I realized that I missed the first birthday of the Detroit Tigress!  That's right, your lives all got a little fuller on February 18, 2012 when the Detroit Tigress was hatched from an old, busted baseball taken from the Sandlot.  To celebrate, I plan to bake myself a cake this weekend and eat it with no utensils.  Don't think you are getting a piece though.  Tigress doesn't share cake.

Something else I realized was that all my nominees for My Not Tiger last year are no longer with the team.  Let me say that again.  ALL my nominees for My Not Tiger have left the team.  Cue the happy dance people!  How is this even possible?  It's like MasterBrow has been reading.  Shout out to MasterBrow!  For those of you who haven't memorized every posting (I'm sure there's one or two of you), my three choices were Suckburn, Delmon, and Papa Potato.  Suckburn ended up taking the crown, but it was a close race to the end.

So, even though My Tiger is the same as last year (give it up for Dougie Fresh), I'll need a new My Not Tiger.  I'll be accepting applications through Spring Training, but will make my decision before Opening Day.  Be advised, the process is strenuous.  If you, or someone you know, wants to apply to be My Not Tiger, please write your responses to the following three questions on College Ruled Paper and send them directly to my snail mail:

1.  What would you contribute as the Tigress' Not Tiger, both as a player on the field and as fodder for the blog?

2.  What are your two worst qualities?

3.  The two people (living or dead) I would invite to dinner would be...

The last question is more for my curiosity than anything else.  Although, if a player were to put a tyrannical dictator on their dinner list, they would quickly move to the top of My Not List.

So, send those responses in.  However, if you only have Wide Ruled Paper, don't even bother responding.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Who's the leader of the club?

I was reading an article on Yahoo and another article caught my eye.

"One Detroit Tiger challenges Miguel Cabrera to be better; 'I don't see him as a leader'"

My first thought was, who was quoted?  Journalists certainly know how to take a quote from anyone and turn it into something shocking or controversial.  Athletes should know to be careful with whatever they say because it can be twisted to fit into anyone's perspective.  So who is the quote player?  I'll give you three guesses.

No, not Suckburn (or any other players that got released or traded.  That means Delmon and Valverde are out too)

No, not Verdiggity.  Miggy is going to punch his ticket to another playoff berth.

No, not Smokes, or any other coach.

Think about who already has a ring and has nothing to lose.  Yup, it's Dotel.  Now, to be honest, he has a right to say whatever he wants to.  If he thinks that Miggy's MVP status should equal a team leader, then that's his opinion.  I, however, have to disagree.  Leaders are not always the superstars of the team.  In fact, in many instances, leaders often emerge and shine because they aren't the top dog.  The pressure and spotlight is already enough without a leadership role.  Remember the emotional "leader" during the playoffs from the Giants?  It was Hunter Pence (crazy eyes).  Far from the best player on the team, but he was the one leading the group in a pep talk before most games.

So, just because Miggy is now the MVP (and really, JV was the MVP the year before) doesn't mean he (or either one of them) has to step up and be the team leader.  As MasterBrow says in the article, Martinez or Avila are more of the team leaders because of their personalities.  They are natural leaders.  It's not something that comes natural to most people and shouldn't be expected of someone based on athletic ability.  In fact, if Dotel has such strong opinions on the subject of leadership and when motivational speeches are needed during the playoffs, then he should be the one to take charge.  There's nothing I hate more at work then when coworkers volunteer me for a task.  Every time you point a finger at me, three more are pointing back at you (the wisdom of a ten year old).

I think Miggy is more appropriate for his silent leader role as opposed to motivational speaker.  If a true, vocal leader is needed, one will emerge.  They always do.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Man up, Smokes

I can tell by the shocked look on your face that you weren't expecting two updates from the Tigress in one week.  Like the mighty Grizzly Bear of Vancouver, the Tigress lays dormant in the winter and only awakens for important situations.  Now that the green of the grass is peeking through the slowly melting snow, the Tigress appears more often.  Kind of like the groundhog, poking her head up to check for signs for spring.

Ok, enough with the forest animal analogies.  On to reason for the post.  I saw an article titled: "Tigers' Jim Leyland 'brokenhearted' that Jose Valverde doesn't have a job."  My reaction to this was utter disgust.  Papa Potato was a bunion on the foot of the Tiger organization and drastic surgery was needed to cut off the growth before it spread.  I know that Smokes is pretty emotional, but he needs to Man Up.  The business we are in is baseball, Smokes.  We all know that there's no crying in baseball.  I've watched Tom Hanks yell that enough times that it's ingrained in my brain.  So, Smokes, unless you want to change your name to Evelyn, you should let Papa Potato go and concentrate on another championship season.  If I cried as much as Jim does, people would think I had a hormone imbalance.  I also believe that there is a reason that no one wants Papa on their team.  It's because he lost his stuff.  If he happens to find it, then he will get a try out with a different team (NOT the Tigers).  End of story.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Spring Training

Spring training is upon us.  Pitchers and catchers have reported.  The players are lacing up their cleats and oiling their mitts.  I bet a few of the pitchers might even scuff up the ball a little, those dirty cheaters.  Oh to be in Tiger Town in February and March.  It's where dreams come true.  Like a five year old with ADHD in Disney World.  Except instead of taking Ritalin, the adults in Tiger Town indulge in a little beer.  Instead, I'm stuck in the snow and wind of Michigan.  That's ok, friends.  Spring is right around the corner and I can almost smell the promise of another championship season.

Some good news coming out of Tiger Town already:
Verdiggity won't pitch in the World Baseball Classic.  I'm all for Team USA, but to be honest, I'm relieved that JV will concentrate on being ready for Tiger opening day.

Both SchEYEzer and Verdiggity expressed interest in long term contacts.

VMart is back and healthy after his season off recovering from knee surgery.

The only bad news is that Kate Upton is the cover model for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition again.  That means we'll have to listen to stories of her and JV again all season.  We here at the Tigress were hoping her appeal had faded.  Unfortunately, wearing bikini bottoms and an open winter coat are now in style.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Happy birthday

Don't be mad at me Tigress faithful.  I'm had a little sabbatical, but with spring training approaching, you are sure to get your fill of Tigress action in the month to come.

Today is Dougie Fresh's birthday.  His 29th birthday in fact.  Such an excellent pitcher and not even 30 yet!  It just so happens that tomorrow is someone else's birthday.  I'll give you 3 hints.  1. She's very knowledgeable of the Tigers.  2.  She's hilarious.  3.  She's typing this sentence.

Give up?  It's the Tigress!  So, the only thing that separated my birthday with My Tiger is one year and one day!  Amazing!  It was meant to be.