Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Return of Bboesch

Ok, I admit it.  I'm on the Bboesch train.  After an up and then down (and I mean very down) 2010 season, it would have been easy to write him off as any number of rookies that dazzle us for the first month they arrive at the show and then fizzle out (hello, do you remember Chris Shelton?  He even got a nickname before fizzling...Big Red).  But Bboesch was putting together a solid 2011 season, bringing power to the line up and an actual glove to the outfield.  With the year he was having, he might have been the extra bat and one extra healthy body that the Tigers needed in the playoff run.

Good news though!  Bboesch is back, he's swinging the bat, and he already hit a dinger at spring training.  Welcome back Bboesch, and as long as he can produce another solid season, I think he'll win everyone over.  That being said, look at the photo below of Bboesch at training on Monday.
He's obviously gotten a haircut and a closer shave and is looking HOT!  If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm a female.  That being said, I love baseball for the pitcher-batter drama, the fielding mechanics, and the beauty of the swing.  BUT...it doesn't hurt that there are nine guys on a field in tight-tight pants (extra points if the socks are pulled up to the knees).  When I was in high school, I made my own little "hottest men of baseball" contest.  I printed out pictures of the most attractive players by position and then glued them to a little field (diamond included) on a piece of paper.  Obviously I was super cool.  I wish I would have kept this because I'm sure it was priceless.  I know for sure that Chipper Jones was at third, Derek Jeter at shortstop, and little known Tiger relief pitcher Matt Anderson on the mound.  In honor of the Tigress of yore, I'll be doing a "hottest men of baseball 2012 edition" in a future post.  Bboesch, if you keep up this look, you could make the cut...

1 comment:

  1. A) I started calling him BBoesch, B) I would have loved to see this diamond, C) Oh Matt Anderson, D) I LOVE THE TIGERS! E) Don't steal My Tiger!
