Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Setting the stage

Here's a text conversation I had with Sister Tigress on Monday:

Detroit Tigress- World series tickets go on sale tomorrow

Sister Tigress- I saw Wednesday

DT- At noon.

ST- Yes.  Not tomorrow Wednesday.

DT- (Looks carefully at subject line of her email) *Thinks to self* Hmmm I better open this email.

right click to download
CONGRATULATIONS! You have been selected for the opportunity to purchase tickets to a potential 2013 World Series ("WS") game scheduled to be played at Comerica Park. We are pleased to offer you an opportunity to purchase up to four (4) tickets to one WS game on a first-come, first-served basis (subject to availability).

Holy Leyland!  It finally happened!  I put my email address in for the chance to get to buy tickets early for years and the fruits of my labor are finally showing!  I was able to buy four tickets for Game 2 in section 144.  Word is that the foul pole is creating a slight obstruction, but I'll take it!  With tickets to game 2 already purchased, Sister Tigress was able to focus her efforts on game 7 tickets (which is on Halloween!).

Now that I've secured tickets, the Tigers just need to get a few hits and runs.  The shake up in the lineup should help, but I got to be honest, Cabby and Princey really disappointed me yesterday.  VMart is so money that his picture showed up on my 5 dollar bill today and JV was named Manual Transmission Cars' Clutch player of the year.  With two more games at home, it's time to capitalize and get some wins!  Do it for the Tigress, boys.

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