Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween Edition

Well, its 8:30 the day before Halloween and if you're like me you are thinking, just what am I going to be for Halloween?!  You could go "Good Will Hunting" which a coworker suggested (I think he meant digging through the racks at Good Will, not going as Matt Damon from the late nineties).  Well, here are some quick and easy suggestions that can be thrown together to make a great costume and make you seem like an All Star.

Man with a huge smile on his face holding a sign that says "Will play baseball for food."  You'd be going as Bryan Pena of course!

Wear glasses with a brown lens and a blue lens with a Mizzou Tiger shirt on.  You'd be For Scherzer.

Wear pants that are two sizes too small, carry a bag of Taco Bell, and have Chicklets in the front of your mouth (you know I kid about the teeth).  You'd be Verdiggity.

Carry a cigarette, wear a gray comb as a mustache, and do the moonwalk.  You'd be Jim Leyland.

Sit in the corner of the room with a pillow shoved under your shirt and wave your arms at inappropriate moments.  You'd be Gene Lamont.

Wear a mop on your head, wear your Zubaz pants, and carry around a golf club for the upswing.  You'd be Prince Fielder.

Wear full protective gear but pay your friend to continue to hit you in various body parts with debris.  You'd be Alex Avila.

Carry around a tennis ball, golf ball, wiffle ball, basketball, baseball, football, and soccer ball.  You'd be Miguel Cabrera (get it? because he's a baller).

Wear a bandaid on your face and yellow colored contacts.  You'd be Benoit.

The possibilities are endless!  You could just always go as the best back up costume ever.  Wear every article of Tiger gear you have and go as a Detroit super fan AKA the Tigress.  For me, it's a lifestyle choice, for others, it's a costume.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Filling the void

This weekend I read three books.  That's right, in two and a half days, I read three books.  I miss Tiger baseball.  It's tough to fill the void but here's some things that help:

Books- Increase your knowledge for schooling your friends in trivia and general culture references.

Movies- Really school your friends on the pop culture thing.  Also get ready for award show season coming up by watching all the best movies of the year.

Other sports- Football is in full swing and I've heard that hockey might be on (I don't watch Canadian sports, except for curling).  Get the knowledge you'll need to make your Super Bowl bets this year and make your March Madness picks.

Friends- You know those people you've only seen while watching Tiger games?  Maybe it's time you sat down and played a little Monopoly or discussed the politics in the Middle East.  I bet your friends are pretty interesting people and not as irritating as when they are yelling at the TV every two minutes because of the umpires.

Family- You have a kid!  Remember?  Language and developmental growth are happening all the time and the children are our future (or so Whitney has told me).

Hobbies- You've neglected your model train collection and I think your ant farm is down a few hundred members.

The Tiger fans aren't the only ones trying to fill the void, though.  Dave Dom is trying to fill the manager void for the Tigers and three candidates have been interviewed.

Lloyd McClendon- He's the hitting coach and already knows the team and the staff.  He'd be the safe bet and the easiest transition.  If Dom isn't feeling adventurous, then he's the obvious choice.

Tim Wallach- He's the Dodger's third base coach, so he has experience in the playoffs.  He's also been a hitting coach and a manager in Triple A (which is nothing to sneeze at).  Could he be the answer?  He's going to need a warmer wardrobe, that's for sure.

Brad Ausmus- The day Smokes made his announcement, Brad's name immediately came up and I thought, yes please!  If you recall, he was on the original "Hottest men in Baseball" list.  He was a professional catcher, the smartest position on the field and attended Dartmouth (Ivy League people).  Unfortunately, he has no managing experience (unless you count managing the Israel team in the World Baseball Classic...which I'm not sure anyone does...sorry Israel).  Going from Smokes who may be the MOST experienced manager in MLB to someone with no experience might be too big of a shift.  This is the riskiest choice and may require Dom to borrow a bigger pair of balls.

Rick Renteria- Current bench coach for the Padres (which is where Brad also works), he's rumored to be next in line to interview.  He has extensive experience in the minors and has been a coach in the majors for the past three years.  I feel like he'd connect with the Latino players and bring over fifteen years of experience as a manager and coach (even the minors counts) to the team.

We'll see who Dom chooses, with help from his "special assistants" I'm sure.  You choose wisely as well, Tigress faithful.  Our time is valuable and come April, you'll have to devote it to the Tigers again.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Quitting the Smokes

I heard at 11:50, a mere twenty minutes after Leyland made his announcement.  Somehow, three people at my work already knew.  News travels fast when it rocks a state.  If you are clueless as to what I'm talking about, then I really can't help you.  You have to help yourself.

There was a lot of talk on social media about Leyland stepping down.  People said, he turned around the organization.  Some said it was Ilitch spending money and Smokes just happen to be the man to manage the money.  People always complained about how Smokes managed the games, an American League manager who used a National League style.

Managers with Leyland's experience don't come around very often and Detroit was lucky to have him.  Period.  You can say what you want about his style but his players respected him and his coaching staff worked well with him.  That's half the battle right there.  Players didn't talk back to Smokes (no one ever said "you got to be kidding me" to Smokes...remember Lackey in Game 3?).

More than anything, Leyland was solid entertainment.  You couldn't understand him in most interviews and he didn't flinch at putting reporters in their place.  He was majestic when he argued with umpires, and I cheered for him to get the toss.  He cried at will, hugged every player after a big win, and did the moonwalk to celebrate.  He was likable, unlike Ozzie Guillen, but not dry as toast like Bob Melvin.  He managed the biggest players in the game.

Smokes apologized to the fans for not bringing home a World Series victory.  No need to apologize, Smokes.  You gave this city two World Series appearances and three consecutive division championships.  You took us back from 2003 when times were dismal to a time when it was cool to wear the old English D.  So thank you, Jim.  I'm pleased you are staying with the organization.  I hope you get to be "special assistant" like Kaline and just get to smoke and eat popcorn all day.  You deserve such a dream job after what you've given us.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The hangover

Waking up this morning, I was still feeling the hangover of the end of another Tiger season.  I kept dreaming about plays last night and thinking that the games would still keep coming.  No such luck, dreams.  Boston advances to the World Series after one of the best turn-arounds from a previous year in MLB history.  Meanwhile, Tiger fans are left to over-analyze every play and decision for the next 5 months.

Rather than sit here and re-hash every play, I'd like to just acknowledge all of the wonderful things that happened during the playoffs.  It's more productive and brings some positive endorphins, which just make me feel better.

The starting rotation for the Tigers is sick.  Scherzer was Mr. Consistency this year and deserves the Cy Young award.  Verlander proved that his "off year" is better than 95% of pitchers in MLB.  He also showed that he could be the new Mr. October with his clutch performances in the playoffs, particularly game 5 versus the A's.  Sanchez showed that even though he was the number 3 starter, he still has the ability to make major leaguers look like amateurs.   Even though no one talked about Dougie Fresh, he still got the job done, mostly thanks to something that was lacking this support.

Austin Jackson's miraculous turn around after being moved in the rotation to a spot with seemingly less pressure.  His bat finally came alive and he played with more confidence.  If only we could have written "8" next to everyone's name in the lineup.

Jhonny Peralta's return to the game in the face of critics.  He was the fire the Tigers needed and brought life to the Tiger lineup.  He served his time, acknowledged his mistake, and then came back to do his job.  Good luck as a free agent.  There are many teams that would be lucky to have you.

Victor Martinez's comeback year after missing the postseason last year.  He started out slow, but there was no hotter hitter down the stretch.  He also provided the hits when they mattered and played with a desire to win that out shined everyone else in the dugout.

Jose Iglesias for getting recognized for his defense, but also for not just being an easy out (see Drew on Boston).  He's a guy that I hope will grow with the Tigers and win many gold gloves in his tenure with the Tigers.  I hope he sticks to his craft and hones his ability to hit singles and bunts.  The home run isn't for everyone and knowing your strengths is half the battle in the majors.

Good season Tigers.  I would have loved to purchase snow pants and cheer my brains out on Thursday, but it just wasn't meant to be.  Time for a little R&R, then back to the gym to be in better condition for next year.  Bring the Roar in 20-1-4 (it's already trending on Twitter).

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Setting the stage

Here's a text conversation I had with Sister Tigress on Monday:

Detroit Tigress- World series tickets go on sale tomorrow

Sister Tigress- I saw Wednesday

DT- At noon.

ST- Yes.  Not tomorrow Wednesday.

DT- (Looks carefully at subject line of her email) *Thinks to self* Hmmm I better open this email.

right click to download
CONGRATULATIONS! You have been selected for the opportunity to purchase tickets to a potential 2013 World Series ("WS") game scheduled to be played at Comerica Park. We are pleased to offer you an opportunity to purchase up to four (4) tickets to one WS game on a first-come, first-served basis (subject to availability).

Holy Leyland!  It finally happened!  I put my email address in for the chance to get to buy tickets early for years and the fruits of my labor are finally showing!  I was able to buy four tickets for Game 2 in section 144.  Word is that the foul pole is creating a slight obstruction, but I'll take it!  With tickets to game 2 already purchased, Sister Tigress was able to focus her efforts on game 7 tickets (which is on Halloween!).

Now that I've secured tickets, the Tigers just need to get a few hits and runs.  The shake up in the lineup should help, but I got to be honest, Cabby and Princey really disappointed me yesterday.  VMart is so money that his picture showed up on my 5 dollar bill today and JV was named Manual Transmission Cars' Clutch player of the year.  With two more games at home, it's time to capitalize and get some wins!  Do it for the Tigress, boys.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A homily from the father

I am Father Tiger (soon to be Grandpa Tiger).  I would first like to say that I am honored to be able share my thoughts with you. 
I have been a long time Tiger fan.  I have fond memories from 1968 and the many great players from that team Al Kaline (my favorite player), Norm Cash (cousin Dale's favorite player), Willie Horton, Mickey Lolich, Denny McClain, Don Wert, Bill Freehan, Gates Brown, Dick McAuliffe, Earl Wilson, Mickey Stanley, Jim Northrup, etc.  1984 was another magical season and they had a great team (Kirk Gibson, Lance Parish, Jack Morris, Dan Petry, Alan Trammel, Lou Whitaker, etc.).  I enjoyed listening to Ernie Harwell on the radio although I didn't appreciate him as much as I should have until he retired. 
There have been some tough stretches (they had losing records for 12 straight years from 1994 through 2005), including the 2003 season with 119 losses.  I remained a Tiger fan during that time, hoping that this was the year that they would turn it around.  To all of you Tiger fans, I say enjoy the success they are having and let's hope that they win it all this year.
I am not sure what I have done to have 3 kids that are die-hard Tiger fans: the Tigress  (she announced her "bun in the oven" by giving us Grandpa Tiger and Grandma Tigress shirts), Sister Tigress (she will be going to her 14th game this season tomorrow), Brother Tiger (he has been interviewed by local TV stations twice this year, at opening day and game 4 of ALDS) but I'll take a little credit (Aunt Tigress gets most of it). 
So, sit back and enjoy the ride.  Go Tigers!

He makes a good point, people.  This doesn't happen every year so enjoy!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Over managed

I may be Smokes's number one fan.  I jokingly told someone last week that I was considering naming my first born "Jim Leyland" whether it was a boy or a girl.  That's right, first name Jim, middle name Leyland.  When everyone else jumps up to question everything Smokes does (even what he eats for breakfast...Raisin Bran), I always say, "He knows what he's doing."

For once, I'm going to criticize Smokes.  There is such a thing as over managing.  In fact, if you look up "over manage" on Urban Dictionary, a video of the 8th inning of game 2 of the 2013 ALCS pops up.  When starting pitching is lighting it up, it's pretty hard to give up a four run lead.  In fact, the Tigers' bullpen was lights out on Saturday, contributing to the stellar performance from Sanchez.  They haven't been THAT bad this postseason.  However, there's no one in the pen who I would consider a "specialist" who excels at pitching to just one batter and then leaving the game.  When Veras got an out and then let someone on, there was no reason to take him out.  The "don't take me out" look was all over Smyly's face.  Benoit should NEVER come in during the 8th inning with men on base.  That's not where he excels.  He needs to have the bases free so when he inevitably makes a mistake, it's not as big of a deal.
When AA is ringing up all the RBIs, the pitchers need to pick him up

Here's a plan for the rest of the ALCS: (Smokes, I'm talking to you)  Take your starting pitchers as long as they will go.  Pitch count is a little irrelevant at this point.  They have five months to rest their arms.  From there, relief pitchers stay in for one inning EXCEPT if they give up 2 runs.  That's the rule.  Don't let old Geno talk you into switching anything up.

Good news, JV is on the mound tomorrow so he should be good through 7.  From there, you should only need one reliever (Smyly or Veras) and then bring in Benoit to start the 9th.  If you need a long reliever, there's a baller named Porcello who can take you through.  I currently enjoy my job, but I'll gladly resign to take over managing next year if need be.  I'm sure I'm qualified.

I plan on watching the NLCS tonight to get a feel for the National League competition.  With the Tigers' starting pitching and the bats finally coming alive, the World Series is seeming very close.  I also hope you are following me on Twitter (DetroitTigress1).  I usually have at least one zinger during the game.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

The big event

You might watch this commercial and think, "This is why I avoid all of life's big events.  So that I don't miss all the sporting events that are out there."  That's no way to live, people.  You need those friends who throw those big events.  They are the ones that go out with you on a Thursday night to watch the Tigers clinch the ALDS and upset the perpetual bridesmaid, the Oakland A's.  They are the people who don't judge you when you put a rally towel on your head and insist that it's the reason Miggy hit that home run.
Credit the babushka
So, when those same friends throw a baby shower or get married, it's your job to attend and celebrate with a full matter the sporting schedule.  Don't worry, friends.  There are ways to still get your sports fill while ENJOYING those big events (that's right, don't just pout in the corner while your girlfriend gets down).

Sources of information:
Smart phones- So many apps, so little time.  Twitter, SportsCenter feed, Facebook...the world wide web is looking out for you and giving you up to date information even when you don't ask for it.

Televisions- Sometimes the bride, groom, mom, birthday girl (whoever) allows that 13 inch tube TV to be turned on in the corner of the lobby.  Utilize it people.  I don't suggest staying huddled there for four hours, but a quick check in doesn't hurt.  You can also catch up with Uncle Ralph, who has his butt glued to a chair and a beer in his hand.  He's watched the entire game and can give you pitch-by-pitch analysis in a tenth of the time it actually takes.  Sometimes, you have family that completely understands your sports obsession.  Last year, Cousin Tiger projected Game 3 of the World Series on the wall next to the dance floor at his wedding.  I was shaking my groove thing AND watching the Tigers struggle against the Giants.  It was bliss.  Except for the whole Tiger loss thing.

DVR- This is not my favorite method, but it is possible to shut out the world and just wait until the event is over.  Beware of the spoilers out there.  They always come from unexpected people too.  Run in the opposite direction if Aunt Edie approaches and starts telling you about the Michigan Cats who just scored a run.

SportsCenter- That's right.  It is possible to just enjoy everything going on and forget about the game for the evening.  SportsCenter will give you the highlights in the morning.  It's a seven game series and sometimes we need to take one for the team.

I had a fabulous time last night at the wedding of two very good friends.  I ate good food, devoured a donut, busted a move, and caught up with all my friends.  I also checked in on the Michigan and Tigers scores on my phone and popped in to the bar area where the TV was on.  I caught the Michigan score and various updates from the Tigers (the Tigers' one run on my phone and Sanchez's bottom of the sixth, bases loaded strike out on TV).

Tonight, I've got another big event.  The attendees are me, Husband Tiger, the cat, the Tiger game, and the couch.  It promises to be another big event in the life of the Tigress.  SchEYEzer watched Sanchez last night and started to get jealous of all those strikeouts.  He's ready to prove his Cy Young candidacy and silence the Fenway fans.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Deja Vu

Game 5 of ALDS versus the A's in Oakland and JV is pitching...Part 2!  If this seems very familiar there is a reason.  It's because it happened last year.  Remember what happened last year?  I do.  JV dominated.  Here's the picture I posted last year that circulated around Facebook:

Normally, I would be a little worried about JV pitching but he lit up the A's on Saturday.  If he brings his same mo-jo then we got this.  Let's keep Peralta, Omar, and VMart in the lineup because they have the hot bats.

Here are some tips for watching the game on Thursday:
Use your rally towel as a babushka

Swearing during a Tiger game doesn't count because it's all for the greater good
Watch the game with friends for maximum high five action
Make sure your pets have their babushkas as well
Have fun!  This is the playoffs and it's a good day to be a Tiger fan!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Two in a row

Well, the Tigers have to win the next two against the A's.  Not unheard of and not impossible.  This Tigress journeyed across the state for the game in hopes of a win.  Here's something important to know though, even if the Tigers don't win, I'll still be a Tiger fan.  What irks me (yes, irks) is when people say the Tigers are terrible.  There are thirty teams in all of Major League Baseball and only five from each league make it to the playoffs.  It is a luxury and an honor to even make the playoffs.  Just because your team doesn't win, doesn't give you the right to talk smack about your team.  Through the good and bad, people!  Or you are just fair weather fans, and I don't associate with fair weather fans.

Notes from the game:

  • This Tigress had one of the best photo bombs in the history of selfies.  I had on my rally babushka and the babushka smile that goes with it.  Watch Facebook in case it surfaces.
  • I love quoting baseball or sports movies at games and having other people respond.  The lady in front of us (who I photo bombed) made the comment, "Too high."  Immediately, I responded, "What does that even mean, too high?"  She turned back and laughed.  Brother Tiger also pulled out the L 7 wienie joke about Eric Sogard (get it?  He's a square!)
  • There was a kid behind us who did not take a breath between utterances for the first six innings.  There was 3 minutes where he seemed to stop communicating, but I think it was because his mouth was full of Dip N Dots.  Our favorite comment from the child went a little something like this: Kid: Think I can take this to school tomorrow and say I got it from the dentist? (Holds up rally towel)  "Uncle" (or just some dude who pulled him from school for the game):  No, you can't tell people you got that from the dentist because no one will believe you.  Then you'll be a liar and someone who skips school for baseball.
  • Said "Uncle" was wearing black sweatpants to the game.  There are very few instances when wearing sweatpants out in public is appropriate.  A baseball game is not one of them.  Especially when you comment that you have to stop by your office afterwards.  I know sweatpants are a no-no at work, even on a day off.  I was wearing playoff Zubaz pants, which are acceptable in all playoff instances.
  • Welcome back Jhonny.  You aren't super steady in left field, but neither was Delmon and we dealt with him all last year in the playoffs to take advantage of his bat.
  • There's a baby Tiger or Tigress growing in my belly (it's natural, not like an alien setting up house). This isn't Radish Tiger's (that's the code name) first game, but it is her first playoff game.  As a celebration, I bought her a JV doll.  Now Barbie or GI Joe will have someone to take home to mom and dad.
Pant tightness is equivalent to real life although teeth are much smaller

I'm sure there's more, but I can't remember at this moment.  Dougie Fresh will get us a W tomorrow and things will be all tied up again (which is like kissing your brother, in case you didn't get the reference yesterday).

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Like kissing your brother

The ALDS is tied between the A's and Tigers.  First, the shout outs.

Huge shout outs to the Tiger pitchers, especially Scherzer and Verlander who each had 11 strikeouts.  These two are professional, playoff pitchers.  That's ridiculous.  Verlander got robbed of a guaranteed win last night.  Maybe with that performance will get the TBS announcers off his back for his less than stellar season where he still recorded the fourth most strikeouts in the league.  Lay off of him (and if you tell me one more time that Cabby has reduced mobility than I'm going to mute you.  Just watch me!)  When the starting pitcher goes seven scoreless innings and the bullpen is actually stepping it up, there's only one reason the Tigers lost.  We'll get to that later.

Another nod to Sonny Gray.  Here are two tips kid: 1. Never lose that cocky confidence.  It's working for you even if it makes me want to punch you in the face.  2. Get a haircut.  Your current look is popular with the forty year old set that is trying to puff up the last strands of hair to cover up the bald patches.  In a couple days, you'll have plenty of time to browse the pages of GQ looking for a hot new look.

Now on to the real problem...the Tiger bats.  Someone told them it was November and they've started their winter hibernation.  When most of your hits come from Donnie Kelly, there is a problem.  Good job, Donnie.  I hate to insult you but you should not be carrying the Tiger offense.  It's not your job.  Your job is to buy Smokes his weekly supply of ciggies at the Costco and mix up Brookens's protein shake every morning.

When the A's bats are strangely quiet, the Tigers need to capitalize.  Someone, anyone, step up.  Would the real Torii Hunter please stand up?  AJax is looking very 2011-esk, in a terrible way.  Fielder and VMart might as well just come to the plate, give a wave, and then sit down.  Props to the bottom of the lineup for trying to get SOMETHING going, but it was all for naught.

This Tigress is going to the Monday afternoon game.  Here's the deal, if I show up, then the bats need to show up too.  I get lonely at the games without them.  Since I can't bring my broom to the game, let's stick to the original plan and win the next two at home to close out the series.  You know Boston will have it closed out before the end of Tuesday.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Extra special guest

Well, Tigress faithful.  You must have been good boys and girls this year because the playoff fairy has brought you an extra special surprise.  Contain your excitement, but we have a guest blog from Aunt Tigress herself.  That's right, the woman who taught the master has graced us with her thoughts about everything playoffs, especially how TBS and FOX can improve their broadcasting programs.  Strap in, ladies and gentlemen.  You are in for a treat!

Well, it's our favorite time of year again.  To avoid raising my blood pressure I offer the following guidelines to the networks broadcasting games:
1.  We've watched these teams all year.  We don't need an hour (or more) of pre-game programs.  We know the players; their strengths and weaknesses.  This isn't the Super Bowl, where people who haven't seen a down of the NFL all season will turn on the TV, fill their faces with nachos, brats, pizza and beer and wait for the commercials and half-time show.  Show what is happening in the stadium - what the home team is actually doing for their pre-game (probably honoring former players and fans).  I'd rather watch someone from the 1979 World Series throw out the first pitch then listen to your "keys to the game".

2.   Don't show actors in good seats with a Pittsburgh, Oakland, Detroit, etc. cap on.  Followed by your announcing " there's (fill in the actor's name) who is starring in (fill in the name of the TV show) on (fill in the network) which can be seen on (fill in the day of the week and time).  These people aren't fans. They probably don't even know the name of the stadium they are in and wouldn't know how to get there if the town car didn't deliver them. Again it raises blood pressure of fans who see it as a waste of good seats (which we would gladly fill).
3.   Don't say (player's name) just passed Willie, Yogi, Mickey or the Babe in post season category (ex: doubles).  The ONLY POSTSEASON the greats played in was the WORLD SERIES.  Not the endless rounds they keep adding.
4.   Finally, for the "baby",  pronounce it off-en.....not off-ten.  I know someone says both are acceptable but back when grammar mattered the correct way is off-en.....LOL
5.   Hope you enjoy your retirement Tim McCarver --- I know I will.

Sounds like Aunt Tigress and I can be ready to suit up for a broadcast at any minute.  We'll just wait by the phone for the call.