Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The giving of thanks

Tis the season, Tigers and Tigerettes.  It's now time we go around the table at the Tigress house and say what we are thankful for.  I've even invited some special guests over to enjoy my meal with me!

Tigress:  I'm thankful for back-to-back American League Central Championships, mainly so I can rub that in the face of every White Sox fan out there.  Hooray!  I'm also thankful for Mr. Soon-to-be Tiger.  Smokes, stop crying over there!  We've just started!

Smokes: Sorry.  I'm thankful for a second American League Championship in my tenure with the Tigers thus ensuring another year managing the best team in the American League.  I'm also thankful for cigarettes (wipes tear from his eye).  Thanks be!

Dombrowski:  I'm thankful that 80% of all trades I've done over the past three years have made me look like a genius when it's usually just dumb luck.  Ok fine, calculated dumb luck.  Cheers!

Dirty Dirks: I'm thankful that Donnie Kelly and Delmon Young have both moved on.  Everyday outfield position, here I come!!!  Oh wait, I'm getting a Tweet from a week ago.  Master Brow, you signed Torii Hunter?

Tigress: Don't worry Dirty.  Just get a haircut and I'm sure you'll be fine.

CMo: I'm thankful for that one chance I got to be in the booth with Mario.  Magic, friends, magic.  Here's to many more graduations or weddings for Rod Allen next year.

Dombrowski: Don't get used to it.  Next time Road Dawg is getting the call.

El Diablo: I'm thankful for the departure of Papa Potato.  It's now time for a new nickname, "The Ingrown Hair!"

Tigress: Who invited you?

El Diablo:  I kind of just followed Smokes here.  I'm really trying to impress him for the closing job.

Smokes: Not going to happen.  Doctor says if I have one more heart attack I'm done.  I'm like a cat, nine heart attacks is all I can take.

Dougie Fresh: I'm thankful for being chosen by the Tigress this year.  It's been the best year of my life.  I set an American League record for consecutive strike outs, pitched in the World Series, and was the "Tiger" of the most beloved bloggess of her time.  Here's to this year and many more to come!

Tigress: Way to finish on a high note Dougie.  Cheers!  Now, please, teach me how to Dougie.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  Here's your gentle reminder to stay safe, don't drink and drive (just like Smokes warned us after the AL Championship), and shop Small Business Saturday.


  1. GREAT blog...and I agree - don't drink and drive and definitely support local businesses!

  2. I'm also thankful that Suckburn was released. It's a Thanksgiving miracle! Talk about cleaning house!
