Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Rod Allen Slang

Mid-week television viewing has become stagnant.  With last night's continuous election results, we here at the Tigress household resorted to watching a movie.  I'm all for election coverage, but you can't call results of a state when only 1% of the polling is in.  I mean, COME ON!

I don't know about you, but I miss Rario's playful banter.  For those of you not familiar, the off season is your chance to get caught up on Rod Allen colloquialisms.  Here are some of the more obscure terms:

  • PF Flyers- “Prince had his PF flyers on last night too” 
    • Meaning: He was fast and running a lot of bases
  • Big boy pants- “Brennan put on his big boy pants”
    • Meaning: He hit a long home run
  • Dealing- “Max is dealing tonight”
    • Meaning: He’s throwing very good pitches and striking people out.
  • Steady diet- “Jhonny is getting a steady diet of breaking balls.”  
    • Meaning: The batter is getting a lot of the same pitch.
  • On point- "Jackson has been on point all series, both offensively and defensively."
    • Meaning:  He’s been in the zone, clutch…if you don’t know those sports clinches, then I just can’t help you.
  • Pitchability- "Not only does Verlander have pitchability, but he can field too."
    • Meaning:  To be honest, I think he made this one up.  My guess at a translation is that Verdiggity is a bad ass pitcher.
  • Wood- “Quintin got pretty good wood on this one.”  
    • Meaning: He hit the ball with the bat solidly. 
  • Bubble gum card- “He’s had a good year according to this bubble gum card.”  
    • Meaning: He has good stats this year.
  • Season is over- Mario: He went fishing for that one (he went down and got it)  Rod: He’ll be real fishing next week (His season is over)
    • Meaning: Not really slang, but a really good zinger Rod
  • Lunch pail- “Prince brings that lunch pail to work every single day”
    • Meaning: He’s a hard worker
  • Fork in him- “Stick a fork in him” 
    • Meaning: That means he’s done, Rod likes to use this especially when the ball girl/boys botch a foul ground ball.
  • Worth the price of admission- "That was worth the price of admission."
    • Meaning: He made a good play
This is just a sampling, but study up on these during the off season, Tiger newbies, and you'll be ready to go in April!  Just like BBoesch needs to work on hitting this off season, so do Tiger fans to prepare to enjoy all that is Tiger baseball.

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