Monday, November 26, 2012

King of the cover

Not much going on in Tiger land in late November.  Dombrowski has been keeping himself busy by releasing people though.  Bye bye Suckburn.  Best Thanksgiving dessert EVER!

I was in the super market today and happen to glance at the magazine rack.  When, what to my wondering eyes should appear but Miggy on the cover of Sports Illustrated looking majestic.  Take a look!

You're welcome world.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The giving of thanks

Tis the season, Tigers and Tigerettes.  It's now time we go around the table at the Tigress house and say what we are thankful for.  I've even invited some special guests over to enjoy my meal with me!

Tigress:  I'm thankful for back-to-back American League Central Championships, mainly so I can rub that in the face of every White Sox fan out there.  Hooray!  I'm also thankful for Mr. Soon-to-be Tiger.  Smokes, stop crying over there!  We've just started!

Smokes: Sorry.  I'm thankful for a second American League Championship in my tenure with the Tigers thus ensuring another year managing the best team in the American League.  I'm also thankful for cigarettes (wipes tear from his eye).  Thanks be!

Dombrowski:  I'm thankful that 80% of all trades I've done over the past three years have made me look like a genius when it's usually just dumb luck.  Ok fine, calculated dumb luck.  Cheers!

Dirty Dirks: I'm thankful that Donnie Kelly and Delmon Young have both moved on.  Everyday outfield position, here I come!!!  Oh wait, I'm getting a Tweet from a week ago.  Master Brow, you signed Torii Hunter?

Tigress: Don't worry Dirty.  Just get a haircut and I'm sure you'll be fine.

CMo: I'm thankful for that one chance I got to be in the booth with Mario.  Magic, friends, magic.  Here's to many more graduations or weddings for Rod Allen next year.

Dombrowski: Don't get used to it.  Next time Road Dawg is getting the call.

El Diablo: I'm thankful for the departure of Papa Potato.  It's now time for a new nickname, "The Ingrown Hair!"

Tigress: Who invited you?

El Diablo:  I kind of just followed Smokes here.  I'm really trying to impress him for the closing job.

Smokes: Not going to happen.  Doctor says if I have one more heart attack I'm done.  I'm like a cat, nine heart attacks is all I can take.

Dougie Fresh: I'm thankful for being chosen by the Tigress this year.  It's been the best year of my life.  I set an American League record for consecutive strike outs, pitched in the World Series, and was the "Tiger" of the most beloved bloggess of her time.  Here's to this year and many more to come!

Tigress: Way to finish on a high note Dougie.  Cheers!  Now, please, teach me how to Dougie.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  Here's your gentle reminder to stay safe, don't drink and drive (just like Smokes warned us after the AL Championship), and shop Small Business Saturday.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The news

By now, you know the news...unless you live under a rock.  Sorry if you came to the Tigress looking for an update on Thursday, but I had to let it sink in for a couple of days.  The MVP stays in Detroit, where it should be.  All the doubters out there can be silenced at least for several minutes.  By now though, the doubters are still grumbling and rambling about Trout and his stats and blah blah blah.  You can't top a Triple Crown and an AL Championship.  Argument done.

In other news, G$ is no longer with the Tigers.  Ya, let that sink in.  It's probably the biggest loss of a free agent this off season so far.  Just think of all we are missing.  The jokes, the laughs, the quotes, the faces.  True, I won't miss his bat or throwing arm, but sometimes there are more important things.  Who am I kidding?  Nothing is more important than a batting average and an ability to throw down to second.  We do need a back up catcher though or Avila will age another 5 years within one season.

Back to the task at hand.  Congrats to Miggy and happy trails to G$.  Thanks for the memories.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Outfield power

Dombrowski wastes NO time.  Less than a month after the Tigers lost in the World Series in a quick four game series, The Master Brow is already repacking the roster.  Obviously, there are some vacancies left by Delmon, Papa Potato, and Sanchez.

Looking back at the postseason, the biggest hole in the lineup was right field.  Andy Dirks should be a shoe in for a starting position next year (if he isn't, we need to reassess how we assess...haha).  TigerBerry is just not an everyday player.  BBoesch's bat was colder this year than a fudgesicle stuck to the back of the freezer.  Garcia is just too young.  I give it three more years before he is ready to be an everyday player.

The Master Brow signed Torii Hunter today to play outfield and provide a more reliable bat.  If you remember back to when CMo was in the booth, he was singing the praises of Hunter all night.  Well, dust off your pipes CMo, because you have plenty of opportunity to sing all season!  Although Hunter is old (he's 37, young for say, a president, but old for any athlete outside of hockey), he has been a consistent player over the years.

Welcome to D-Town Torii.  For now, you are a welcome addition.

Monday, November 12, 2012

November baseball

I know what you are thinking: Tigress, you are crazy!  There's no baseball in November!  Well, this is THE week that all the wonderful awards are announced.  Here's the breakdown (it's like a small present each Hanukkah!)

Monday- Rookie of the Year (Congrats Clown Question and Trouty Mouth!)
Tuesday- Managers of the Year
Wednesday- Cy Young
Thursday- Most Valuable Player

See what I'm saying!  There's a lot to look forward to this week.  One might even say that there's a lot to be THANKFUL for (see how I did that.  It's November folks).  Hopefully by the end of the week, Miggy will be the proud owner of his very own American League MVP award.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Rod Allen Slang

Mid-week television viewing has become stagnant.  With last night's continuous election results, we here at the Tigress household resorted to watching a movie.  I'm all for election coverage, but you can't call results of a state when only 1% of the polling is in.  I mean, COME ON!

I don't know about you, but I miss Rario's playful banter.  For those of you not familiar, the off season is your chance to get caught up on Rod Allen colloquialisms.  Here are some of the more obscure terms:

  • PF Flyers- “Prince had his PF flyers on last night too” 
    • Meaning: He was fast and running a lot of bases
  • Big boy pants- “Brennan put on his big boy pants”
    • Meaning: He hit a long home run
  • Dealing- “Max is dealing tonight”
    • Meaning: He’s throwing very good pitches and striking people out.
  • Steady diet- “Jhonny is getting a steady diet of breaking balls.”  
    • Meaning: The batter is getting a lot of the same pitch.
  • On point- "Jackson has been on point all series, both offensively and defensively."
    • Meaning:  He’s been in the zone, clutch…if you don’t know those sports clinches, then I just can’t help you.
  • Pitchability- "Not only does Verlander have pitchability, but he can field too."
    • Meaning:  To be honest, I think he made this one up.  My guess at a translation is that Verdiggity is a bad ass pitcher.
  • Wood- “Quintin got pretty good wood on this one.”  
    • Meaning: He hit the ball with the bat solidly. 
  • Bubble gum card- “He’s had a good year according to this bubble gum card.”  
    • Meaning: He has good stats this year.
  • Season is over- Mario: He went fishing for that one (he went down and got it)  Rod: He’ll be real fishing next week (His season is over)
    • Meaning: Not really slang, but a really good zinger Rod
  • Lunch pail- “Prince brings that lunch pail to work every single day”
    • Meaning: He’s a hard worker
  • Fork in him- “Stick a fork in him” 
    • Meaning: That means he’s done, Rod likes to use this especially when the ball girl/boys botch a foul ground ball.
  • Worth the price of admission- "That was worth the price of admission."
    • Meaning: He made a good play
This is just a sampling, but study up on these during the off season, Tiger newbies, and you'll be ready to go in April!  Just like BBoesch needs to work on hitting this off season, so do Tiger fans to prepare to enjoy all that is Tiger baseball.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Dream Job: Special assistant to Dave Dombrowski

A true baseball fan will do anything to stay connected to the game.  A fly ball at the game, fantasy camp, a special birthday card from Paws, the list goes on.  There are several jobs in baseball that I consider "Dream Jobs."  The qualifications of a dream job?  The ability to stay connected to the game, affect the team, and live out every child's fantasy of hanging out with major league players. 

The first dream job?  Special assistant to Dave Dombrowski.  True, it would be slightly cooler if it was Assistant Dave Dombrowski, but it's basically semantics at this point.  The man who currently holds this position is Al Kaline (Willie Horton does too, but I think we know he is outranked).  I doubt there is any real job description on file, but here's what I can gather he does from going to games and watching him on TV:

Sit in the owner's suite with unlimited access to popcorn

Pose for pictures on the field

Hangout with current players, especially after they win championships.  In fact, owning goggles is a must.

Hangout with past players and take them around the stadium when they come to visit

Go to Lakeland every year for some fun in the sun, whoops, I mean Spring Training

Throw out the occasional first pitch

I mean, what's not to love?  Unfortunately, I think only past Tiger heroes get the position of "special assistant" but that doesn't stop me from applying every year.  One year Dave will see the value of the Tigress' ability to specially assist.