Wednesday, February 19, 2014

2nd anniversary

I can't believe it's been two years.  It seems like only yesterday this blog was a idea egg in my head and now it's a full blown chicken.  Or something...  According to social tradition (and completely arbitrary), cotton is the traditional gift for the second anniversary.  I thought it was fitting to get you a Tiger's handkerchief.  Here's why:

You are probably still drying your eyes after the Tigers lost to the Red Sox last year.  Dry your tears, friends.  We are in Spring Training and a little over a month from opening day.  It's time to move on and forget what's gone.

You need the hankey as a tribute to Smokes this year.  Anytime a post game interview with Ausmus is shown, get out your hankey and pretend to cry as Smokes would have.

Your Tiger is gone, gone, gone.  Times are rough in Tigressville.

You still haven't gotten rid of the cold/flu you've been nursing since November.  Recovery was severely hampered by the Polar Vortex and the amount of snow you shoveled this year.  Take a shot of orange juice and your zinc vitamin and get over it.

The modern gift suggestion for two years is china.  As your modern gift, I extend to you these wine glasses that can double as champagne flutes.  No long explanation needed here.  You are going to need these puppies when the Tigers win the World Series.  Actually, I take that back.  Go champion style and just spray the champagne directly into your mouth.  Sheets of plastic on the wall are optional.
Don't worry, you don't have to get me anything.  All I ask for is your undying love and affection for me and the Tigers.  Easy peasy.

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