Monday, July 14, 2014


The other day Avila hit a very slow, very weak dribbler to third base.  In most cases, he's out before he gets half way to first.  However, the defense had the shift on so instead Avila gets a hit.  I thought, "Oh, he Victored that".  That's right, your favorite players become nouns or verbs when something happens to them consistently.  Here are a few more:

Avila (verb)- to get hit with balls, bats, or even attitude where the pads just don't cover.  I was catching Porcello and I got Avilaed like three times in one inning!

Verlander (verb)- to have all the skills in the world and over think things to the point of self destruction.  I had the best season of my career, but then I started dating a supermodel and really Verlandered up my next season.

Rajai (verb)- wear an oven mitt unnecessarily.  I was weeding the garden and I Rajaied so I wouldn't get pricked by thorns.

Phil (verb)- to sprint in order to prove one's moxie. While I could have walked past the hot guys, I Philled so they could see me in all my glory.

Leyland (verb)- smoke more cigarettes than a normal ad executive from the 60s smoked in a week.  I was so nervous about the job interview that I Leylanded all the way there.

Porcello (verb)- to win in the most undramatic fashion, to the point of boring others.  I Porcelloed on Jeopardy when everyone got the Final Jeopardy wrong but I bet the least amount of money.

Sanchez (verb)- to pester others during an interview.  My best friend Sanchezed me while my boyfriend's father grilled me on my life goals.

Cabrera (noun)- a person who excels at something with half the effort of others.  I studied for hours to pass the test, but my friend is such a Cabrera that she got an A just for showing up.

It takes a special kind of person to be a Cabrera.  I wonder who will Cabrera up in the second half of the season.

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