Thursday, January 10, 2013


This is the year that I transfer from Miss Detroit Tigress to Mrs. Detroit Tigress.  Planning weddings is not even close to being as fun as attending a Tiger game, but the end result will be fabulous.  Now that the day is approaching, I come home to packages quite often.  When I was registering for gifts, I picked out a few key Tiger items that are missing from my current collection (in fact, there is no registering at the Tiger Store.  I looked into it).  

Today I received my first new item of Tiger swag.  Watch out cookies, you just got more delicious.

The top left is the "D" as shown on the uniforms with a baseball and glove below.  

On a different note, MLB announced today that they will be testing for the human growth hormone in players starting this season.  All I have to say is, thank goodness.  After the disappointing announcement earlier this week that no one got the 75% majority (really, 75% is ridiculous) for the Baseball Hall of Fame, I'm happy that something will finally be done against HGH use.  Sosa, Bonds, and Clemens all got the snub from voters.  Now, I'm not saying I would have voted for any of these three, but if MLB wasn't testing for HGH at the time they played, then maybe they were just playing the game with every loop hole possible.  Time will tell what happens but I can't imagine the single season home run leader not being included in the Hall.  I don't think the Hall of Fame weekend will attract as many visitors either if no players are inducted.  It's too bad for the city and for the players up for nomination (no love for Trammell or Morris?  COME ON!)

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